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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Thanks. Guess I’m going back there again at somepoint.
  2. Just had the credits roll. Absolutely thoroughly have enjoyed this game so far. Have to agree with the comments about the camera/photo mode. I’ve been loving it and already taken some great pics. This needs to remain in all future Mario games and probably a lot more games too. in my opinion this is easily up there as the best Switch game and will be for some time. I don’t know how Nintendo keep coming up with these ideas for the franchise but I’m so glad they do. This game reminds me so much of why I have been a Nintendo fan for as long as I can remember and why I love the games so much. It’s been a pure joy to play, some great callbacks and just fun. Yes fun, learn this other developers, make your game fun to play. Onto the post game content to see what else awaits. Ill get some more screens up at some point too.
  3. Good night foe me. Got a gold. That last GP could have been so much better for me had I not had a terrible first and second race. A few highlights coming later.
  4. I’ve used Discord with @The Mole before. Works quite well too. I’ve asked before if there’s any one interested in setting up some chat whilst we do it. Stupid Nintendo not even getting the online app set up for it yet.
  5. Yay for being a useless tidbit. 😋 at least I made some impression to get. Theme looks great. Can’t wait.
  6. Finally got to start my play through. Loving it so far, using the motion control aspect and am ok with that. Really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to get a little further in.
  7. Finished it off with a good run on Baby Park. Very different night for me. But I think I salvaged some points from the bad GP’s.
  8. OMG. I got hit by at least half a dozen bombs on the Haunted Mansion.
  9. Not sure. Since we didn’t get second GP results start again.
  10. Not sure why we got that disconnected error.
  11. I love the friend online notification as I saw them coming on and waited.
  12. Damn. I was hoping they added an update to allow voice chat via the app at least. We really could do with it.
  13. What version does your game say it is? Or anyone having a second update. I’ve only had the one and am on 1.3.0
  14. That was hilarious. Some great racing in the final GP. I have a few captures I’ll upload later. Anyone else find it hard to press the capture button though when racing so fast?
  15. I couldn’t tell so I thought we’d start. It’s 2 minutes past.
  16. Opening up the room now. Sorry got sidetracked.
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