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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. If you mean the Go+ then no. It only ever uses normal poke balls. Ditto has been found! Ditto can be caught. All you need to do is start catching all the Pidgey, Ratatta, Magikarp and Zubat as these are what he is hiding as. Catch as many as you can and one will transform into Ditto once you catch it.
  2. That sounds awesome. So was double synchronised bullet bills on Ribbon Road. I used to use the sports bike a lot early on. Switched to karts for a while but decided to go back. I really do like the sports bike.
  3. Strange. I have changed my router but there seems to be no issues. With everyone else connecting. Just keep trying if you want in.
  4. Keep trying if you can. People are getting in the room
  5. Room opening in a few for this weeks fun and games.
  6. Some really great races tonight. Mayhem throughout especially on Baby Park as usual. Still good to see a number of people playing too.
  7. The more the merrier. I've been having a few issues with connections so if I lose connection once tonight, can some one else host the rest.
  8. Was it thrown ahead of you. Some great races. Had some crazy moments too
  9. I still,play whilst lm out. The Halloween event is great for collecting candy. 2x on hatches, catches and transfers. And 4x on buddy walking. Ghastly, Haunter, Cubone, Marowak, Drowzee, Hypno, Meowth and Gengar are all more common too.
  10. Opening the room as normal for tonight's games. Let's see if we can get as many people as last week.
  11. Room is open. Do people still want the results posted? Is anyone actually calculating the scored.
  12. Was some fun races. Great night for me. Some one had the greatest throw of the night by hitting me on the head with a banana on Royal Raceway.
  13. Room is open for the few turning up tonight.
  14. Yep. I'll have a go. I'll reset the router and modem before I start too.
  15. Tough night for me with my poor connection and the wiiu not wanting to play. I'll have to take a look at why it might be doing that. As for the races, got a few good ones in but mainly got stuck in the pack. I don't have the results for GP2 as I didn't make the last race. And GP1 I missed the second.
  16. Seems like it may have been my wiiu. I can't get back on and it says it can't find my wireless network. I'll rejoin when I can.
  17. Suddenly having a few issues. If it keeps going can someone else host?
  18. I think you've picked a good time. The shows have really picked up after the brand split. More time seems to be being spent on more then just the top few guys and the main title. Hope you get something out of it.
  19. I know, it was manic on the last corner. I think that one will need some playback highlights. Anyway. Here are the results. First the ones from the start of September (if they are still wanted) And here are tonight's.
  20. I assume I am back to hosting. So everyone come and let's race. Room is open.
  21. I'm back in from this coming Thursday. So will be back hosting. And I promise I'll get the first weeks results posted in the next few days.
  22. I forgot to mention this earlier. I'm out for the next two Thursday's as I'm away with family up in Blackpool. I'll get the results up as soon as I get back for this past week. I hope it's not too late a notice to get a host for the next two weeks.
  23. Well room is open for those that are still in. That was fun. I have the scores all saved though I'm not sure if The_Mole will be taking the scores. Someone let me know. I liked that gold and two silvers.
  24. Congrats to everyone. And big thanks to Mole for organising. I'm good for this week but then will be out for two as I'll be away on holiday.
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