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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I have three horses, one being the giant horse you can get for a side quest. Apart from when I just want to ride a horse for a few minutes of fun, I'm always just running around on foot. Even when I want to traverse half the map to where I need to get to I'll just walk/paraglide there.
  2. I didn't run the league, I was just the host of the races. I'm not sure if anyone is taking up the reins to run the league, we will have to see.
  3. I 3*'ed all the cups, played online so much and had every thing unlocked in MK8 but still have this preordered. I love MK and can't wait to start playing some races with you guys again.
  4. I think I'm the only one that may have done things in a different order, Beast wise. After Hateno village I wondered around for a bit then went to Gerudo Valley to do that one. I think it was then Zoras Domain and Death Mountain then the final one to the west. Either way I've logged over 105 hours in the game. Have yet to defeat Gannon. 64 shrines, 72 Korok seeds. Just got my 18th heart container and a full two rings of stamina. I still have two areas of the map uncovered but am spending most of my time just exploring.
  5. What's the strategy to taming the wild horses? I can get on one and use L to sooth but it just kicks me off.
  6. My guess is a custom Switch stand. Pretty awesome looking.
  7. Last night I was doing one of the side quests which had me looking for some dragon flies. I finally got them all and was down in the Gerudo area. Instead of just warping to the person I needed to, in the Akkala region, I decided to walk it, just for fun. Well two hours later I got there after stopping off at nearly every little thing that I saw. Two memories, a few shrines, Moblin camps, high mountains just to climb up.
  8. is there a list of Switch friend codes in one place here or will I have to go looking individually for those to add? I want to start adding you guys but can't find one thread just with codes.
  9. I found out that it was just a case of completely shutting off the console and then back on to get it to connect. I kept getting a DNS error. So I missed the test fire.
  10. Trying to play the test fire that is supposed to be from 12-1 but just keep getting connection errors. Anyone else managed to play it today?
  11. I thought someone stole my pic then. I did exactly the same pic. [tweet]841800565285822464[/tweet] I beat my first Divine Beast last night. Loving the game and am now just exploring a bit before driving on with the story.
  12. I feel I'm now enjoying this a lot more as I've started to explore more and not just follow the main quest. I'm just taking my time to activate the tower in the new region and then just explore it as much as I can.
  13. Picked up my Switch and Zelda yesterday but have only had time to,set up the system. Working today too so I have to wait again. Initial impression are strong with me. The interface seems very clean and I can imagine will be good. Screen is amazing and I can't wait to get playing.
  14. Hey guys, tonight will be my last night for 3 weeks as I'm off to America to see my fiancée. Then the Switch is out when I get back so not sure how much more MK I'll play. Would still love to play Thursday nights though. Anyway, let's try to get a good few playing tonight one last time.
  15. Just read this too. Stomach cancer is what I've read. Anyone catch the UK Championship Tournament on the Network? Some great matches and a couple of standout guys that will be stars in the future.
  16. Wow. Sorry completely forgot. Was,watching some wrestling on the WWE network. I'll try to remember next week. Will still open this Thursday though.
  17. I won't be staying up for the live feed but will watch it first thing when I wake. I already have mine preordered with Game. I know that they may end up being a little more expensive going by their pricing, but at least it's guaranteed for me with them. I was 2nd to preorder.
  18. Unless it's later Saturday i may not be able to play. Don't usually got of work till after nine.
  19. I'll open Thursday at 8pm to see if we can get a few turn up.
  20. I could probably set up a Sunday evening session with those that still want to race.
  21. The main league has finished and those that played were doing so for fun. I haven't opened the past few weeks due to the holidays and the low number the last time. Just three of use if a few of us are still interested in racing on a Thursday I can open up as normal.
  22. Gonna be opening tonight. im dressing up as santa tonight. Let's have some festive fun.
  23. Thanks to the few that have been showing up these past few weeks. Hope you all didn't mind the CPU players this week, I thought the 5 of us needed the field filled out. And thanks Clownferret for joining in. I don't know how many still want to play the next two weeks, so please say so and I'll host games for us then too.
  24. Rooms open for the night fun and games. Let's have a blast.
  25. no way to change it. It is annoying that if you have run out then it won't use the next balls up.
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