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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Freaking left joycon keeps disconnecting.
  2. @The Mole I'm assuming I'm hosting like I have been. If so, please make sure you all have me added if you're new to the league.
  3. Some great races there. I swear I'm having left joycon issues. A number of races it just would suddenly stop responding for a few seconds causing me to lose it. I switched to handheld mode for the final GP and had no issues. Otherwise great fun. Two good 3rd places for me. Amd yes, 200 GP is hilariously good and irritating. I didn't even register that it would be faster and just played normally then wondered why I was hitting walls.
  4. Gonna be using the Jet bike too, I could have sworn I had the Sports bike unlocked.
  5. Mixed races for me there. Absolutely fun though. Bob-bomb last was literally a blast. So much fun and just manic.
  6. Ok. I hate we can't talk in game yet Are we ready to go?
  7. ok not sure if I'll need to accept their friend code or not
  8. Got it. Thanks and accepted. Just playing some Bomb Battle here as I've not played it before. I'm assuming it will be no teams in that mode,
  9. Can't wait. Hoping to gain some points back with a fully charged joycon this time.
  10. Loving the DLC so far. Got the Korok mask and the medallion that lets you teleport. Got my arse kicked in the trials on only the 3 or 4 room. I still have a few shrines to get but so far this is,quite easily one of the best games I've ever played.
  11. Wow. I was having a bad night and then found out why. Don't play Zelda in handheld mode for 3 hours then expect the joycons to have enough power to MARIO Kart after even in normal mode. I was all over some of the courses and felt like I wasn't controlling the Kart and know why now Anyway I got the first two result screen but didn't get the third due to playing back in handheld mode.
  12. My switch is showing us as friends already. Anyone else not friends with me send a request before tonight.
  13. Since I hosted a lot last league, I'd be more than happy to host again. Please add/send friend request if you don't already have me.
  14. Woohoo. Back on the always in list if this stays on a Thursday. Also I have not played any battle mode yet so will probably fail miserably on that one. :p
  15. I think I've mentioned it to you, but my day off is Thursday and I'll be able to play much more than a Friday.
  16. Love this. It always amazes me that Nintendo keep outdoing themselves. The Galaxy games were amazing and I didn't know how they'd top them but this looks to have some that. That theme tune is just great too. Jump up in the air, do do doo do do.
  17. Thanks for the fun evening. I may not get to play again for some time but it was just like old times. Bloody Boo stole my shell on Animal Crossing on the last corner which caused me to get hit by a red shell then a blue one to lose first.
  18. Off sick from work today, so if I feel up to it I may join in tonight.
  19. Just played in this Testpunch. Having no real knowledge of the game and no prior urge to buy it, I'm now thinking it could be a purchase. Had the most success with the mechanical girl. Took getting used to the motion controls but I did get some good matches in once I was getting better.
  20. [tweet]865312424005574656[/tweet] Only took a few attempts on some of the cups to achieve the feat.
  21. Fridays are not a night I can usually get home before 8:30, but I will do my best to let people know here if I can get on. It's a real shame as I loved hosting a group and recording the races. It was always fun. Anyone that will be joining please send me a Switch Friend code request.
  22. Whilst there have been a few races where I've been unlucky with a barrage of shells near the end of the race, I've found it a lot less then on the WiiU version. I've completed 150cc with 3 stars on every cup with a few replays. I'm up to the DLC tracks on mirror mode now with 3 stars and each only took me one attempt on each cup.
  23. I just competed the "From the ground up" side quest. Have to say that was one of the better and rewarding side quests in the game. Clocked in over 130 and still enjoying this.
  24. I just defeated Ganon, loved the battle. Died on the final bit once but then managed to do it the second time. Really enjoying the game and will now go back and explore the rest of the world. I have one area to map and a few that I really haven't explored. I'm on about 75 shrines and need 2 or 3 memories. Does anyone know of a good cooking guide? I would like to know of some good recipes or elixirs to make.
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