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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I can easily say that was both the worst and best night of the league ever. So much craziness and unpredictable driving comes from having the assist on when you know the courses like the back of your hand and drive them a certain way.
  2. Golden mushroom = no dearh. Just whack the button and fly
  3. Bell subway was like driving with magnets on the cars and trains but when you try to put the same ends together. Just couldn’t hit the trains.
  4. With steering assist on its not like a normal 200cc race, you should join.
  5. Be warned, this night is going to mess with you so much. I’ve been playing some GP’s with this on and it just messes you up. Every route you know in each track is going to be messed with. Those little places that you could hop over a corner, well the steering assist says ‘NO’. Shortcuts, you better activate that mushroom at the precise moment or tat assist is going to kick in and ruin it. 200cc didn’t even feel that fast as it seems to break a lot for you.
  6. Smart steering is pretty much going to kill all shortcuts, right. Or can mushrooms overcome the power of smart steering?
  7. Sounds like an interesting theme. Nearly thought I wasn’t going to make it this week as our modem blew last Friday and we’ve only just got the new one today. But im in and hosting as usual.
  8. Poor night for me. Best GP was 3 with a couple wins. I swear a number of times my controllers just stop connecting and I go off track. I really need a pro controller.
  9. Then in the last fun race this. EDIT I’ve just noticed that in this race whoever was in last place and threw the blue shell actually got hit by the blast as I was lapping them 😂 Taking a not often used route
  10. OMG. What a fail on my part. Video will show all on the Restarted Baby Park.
  11. I do love the mushroom only races. Always pretty close.
  12. Guys give me 5 minutes. I’m going to reset the router and modem.
  13. Well that was strange. Everyone left but the room stayed open on my end.
  14. Been playing online warmups and it seems to be a bit iffy as to staying connected. @Glen-i could you be on stand by for back up host if I have a lot of issues tonight.
  15. Amazing. I just love the sound of the dominos toppling over. I’ve just passed 400 moons. Still enjoying the game and spending time in each world collecting as many as I can before moving onto the next.
  16. Sweet setup, I think I’ll go with the Bowser Setup.
  17. Last GP 1 point behind the leader. Some great races in those. Though mirror mode messed me up big time. Redeemed some points after the abysmal battle mode.
  18. Was great. I stole second on the line. Literally
  19. Thanks. Guess I’m going back there again at somepoint.
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