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Everything posted by c0Zm1c

  1. Things obviously aren't any better on the PS3 and 360. Otherwise, the whingers would be busying themselves playing those consoles and not be here constantly moaning about the Wii.
  2. I'll just dig out my copy of Worms World Party, a seven-year old PC version of the game that does have online. I wonder if anyone still plays it?
  3. The Wii Is Not Enough
  4. And yet, ironically, they're going to lose money by not putting the online in it. Oh well, that's saved me £30.
  5. I'm sure Microsoft have retained the rights to the Project Gotham Racing series, but a Metropolis Street Racer Wii game would be possible I think.
  6. I think it was real, namely because I read a Yamauchi interview where he talked about what happened with the attempted buyout. It was quite an amusing read really. EDIT: just looked for it and discovered it was fake! Still, it's not the only place I've read about the supposed buyout.
  7. Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo, for a reported $25 billion if memory serves.
  8. Just get a PS3, since (it seems) its profile can always be upgraded.
  9. I'm not interested in any of those games.
  10. More lazy ports is the last thing the Wii needs! But Test Drive would be nice on Wii I suppose, provided it was more than just a lazy port of the PS2 version. I wouldn't buy it though, I already have the PC version.
  11. Well the 360 seems to be the most popular choice here. There can be no real conclusion to this though. People's comments about the PS3 and 360 can only serve as guidance, they aren't factual. Ultimately, you've got to make your own mind up about it, rather than leave it to others. Have a look at what games are out now and what are coming out in the future for both consoles and, based on that, choose the console that interests you the most. It's the best advice I can give.
  12. I was PC-only for gaming during the late 90's, but I do remember those days fondly.
  13. It was a great year for video gaming, yet I still feel rather bored with it all.
  14. There's two RACE games on Steam, plus the expansion for the first one, with RACE 07 being the latest. I doubt there would be much difference between it and the one you played a year ago though. What didn't you like about it? Nah, there's loads of great racing games on the PC.
  15. You'll have to find the viewpoints that aren't on your map. Just look around for the highest points in the cities. I didn't find the game to be monotonous, but I haven't any incentive to play through it again (yet).
  16. Just keep climbing up to different viewpoints and synchronising until you get the necessary investigations. You're given clues where to look when you visit the bureau for the first time for each assassination. You can pickpocket thugs to get throwing knives. They're the big burly blokes wandering around that you can lock onto. Just lock onto one, move in close until the gentle push button becomes a pickpocket button, press and hold it down, and move in really close. Altair will take the knives automatically when you've gotten close enough, unless he turns around and realises what you're doing, then all you'll get is a punch in the face.
  17. I got it from GAME's website for £15 (well it was actually a little less than £13 as I used some points against the purchase). EDIT: I see it's out of stock at the moment. You could get it from Amazon or Play for £18 I suppose.
  18. I didn't say that. In answer to what you said about us 'taking as little risk as possible' I asked if, by 'us', you meant we, the gamers, shouldn't be the first to adopt any such device.
  19. I can't think of any other racing game on PC with a free-roaming world like Test Drive Unlimited other than maybe the last couple of Need For Speed games? I've not played them though so I can't comment on them. I recently bought RACE 07. If you can stomach the dated graphics then it's a great game, and works especially well with Logitech's G25 racing wheel I might add. I'll bet GTR 2 is really good, but the disc won't load up on my PC. Something to do with the anti-piracy I think as I've tried three different copies. DiRT, Xpand Rally, GT Legends, Richard Burns Rally, and TOCA Race Driver 3 are a few more good racing games too, in my opinion.
  20. I would choose the PS3. I can get most 360 games I'm interested in for my PC.
  21. They're very different games. But I think, in terms of quality within their respective genres, Galaxy is the better game and has my vote.
  22. The fact that there was an issue with 360's breaking down in the first place, and that they continued to do so well into 2007 (and for all I know probably continue to) is reason enough to hold or have held it against the 360.
  23. How patronising of you! I really enjoyed the combat system too in the cities, and briefly in the Kingdom. The randomness brought an air of intensity and uncertainty to the fights that would have been nonexistent if, like you and Daft, I had also realised how to time counters and dodges perfectly every single time. I didn't time blocks. There's no point. You block continually, as much as the randomness permits, whilst holding down the right trigger. Quotes from Gamespot's guide... That isn't what the game's tutorial tells you, it tells you to "Press and hold RT and press X when you see an enemy start an attack to perform a Counter Attack" So the game effectively tutored me wrong and was telling me to press it too early. It's no wonder I was getting random results. Way to go Ubisoft Montreal. But I concede, inspite of the above, the reason I wasn't doing so well is because I'm not very good at it.
  24. Obviously, like any gaming device, it would not have a lifespan's worth of support from the get-go. But that's not what I meant. I'm saying such a device would need a good launch, and maintained support throughout it's lifespan to be successful. Although, if the Wii is anything to go by, if they could do a similarly good job at launching such a device as this, then very little maintenance would be needed. What do you mean by "we should take as little risk as possible with this." Do you mean we shouldn't be the first to adopt any such device and instead wait and see what would happen?
  25. That's certainly logical. But since the counter and dodge moves were very hit and miss for me it was hard work trying to prevent it happening in the first place. Well I'm not going to be good at a fighting system I've found to be very random. And if what Daft tells me is correct (I've not been back to the game yet to try it out) then it's hardly my fault when the game tells me to time counter attacks and dodges one way when I should be timing them another! No, I said I hardly bothered fighting the guards in the Kingdom in later memory blocks. I did a great deal of fighting throughout the game in the cities.
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