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Everything posted by c0Zm1c

  1. Thanks, mate. I'm looking forward to that.

  2. Well, I hope you do change your mind and return to the forum. Nothing is going to change what should never have happened, but I hope we can put all this behind us and return to some semblance of normality.

  3. I can understand you being pissed off. I've tried to remain neutral in the whole debate as best I can to prevent pissing people off further than they already are (in this case Chili and Goodfella) and hopefully clear the air, but it's not helping when people keep jumping on the 'my say' bandwagon. They have a right to do so I guess, especially when they feel so strongly about their views (from both sides of this debate.) But again, I don't think it's helping.


    I like all of you guys, so it makes things worse for being caught in the middle of it all. I hate this whole sorry affair!

  4. For a long time now I've had the same impression that Nathan doesn't post there because it's become mostly anti-Nintendo. (And to a degree I'm guilty of contributing to that. Sorry. :( ) It's a shame really because although an obvious Nintendo fan, he always struck me as the least 'fanboyish' of GO's members.

  5. I know. I can't believe, and am disappointed with, how the whole thing went down. It should have been handled better, and I'm really surprised it wasn't. I'm really cursing this whole forum move at the moment. I want things back the way they were. I don't care about forum software, or even any security risks that Chili mentioned. What I do care about is that our once awesome community now doesn't feel so awesome.


    I like to think of any fanboyism on the forum as merely a parody. I don't think anyone takes it serious, except PiD haha.

  6. If need be!


    Seriously, you say yourself you'll miss us, and there are people gutted about you leaving. Are you sure you won't reconsider?

  7. I'm only here to drag you back to Game Over!

  8. I won't pay. I'll buy the games, those that require payments for online gaming, for their single-player only or I'll not bother buying them at all.
  9. I have Burnout Paradise on the PS3, and I'm happy to report that it's a really good game. It's kind of a return to form really. Revenge was shit, and Paradise is at least on par with Takedown.
  10. I'd be surprised if most people here said that they enjoyed it more than RE4 (Wii, Gamecube, or PS2 versions ...heck, let's throw in the PC version too). But you're right about it never trying to be RE4, or in other words, Capcom weren't intending it to even approach the quality of said game, is one of the biggest problems with UC. In that respect, it IS a steaming pile of crap by comparison.
  11. Burnout worked fine on the PS2 and Xbox last generation, and inspite of Paradise's technical advances there isn't a huge difference in the fundamental gameplay. I'm sure if they made the effort they could get a free-roaming game with graphics and physics comparable with Burnout 3/4 working on the Wii, and online too. The DS version of Burnout wasn't developed by Criterion. I expect it might have been a lot better than it was if, like the PSP version, it had been. Given its exaggerated sense of speed, the aggressive nature between the trucks, and the over the top game mechanics, Excite Truck is quite similar to Burnout. That game worked brilliantly with motion controls, so I don't see any reason why a Wii Burnout game shouldn't have it too.
  12. Because it's a Resident Evil game of course! I admit I took a chance on it - although thankfully, having got it for Christmas, I didn't pay for it! - knowing it would be different. But what I wasn't expecting was a huge step backwards in terms of enjoyment. UC is just boring to play! There's plenty of mileage left in the RE4 formula - the best thing Capcom have done with the series since it began. So another game like that for the Wii would have been far better than what we got with Umbrella Chronicles. It seems we'll need a 360 or a PS3 for that though and, sadly, we'll lose the Wii's excellent controls for such a game. Unless Capcom have plans to bring a version of RE5, or something like it, to the Wii... *crosses fingers*
  13. I got Umbrella Chronicles for Christmas, played it for a hour or two, haven't touched it since. Next to RE4, it is a huge steaming pile of crap!
  14. Then don't knock it until you have. There is such a thing as having fun trying to win.
  15. It was never put exactly like that (well, not by me). It's a good point though. If snaking is in the Wii game, then people are going to snake. And if you don't like people snaking then you would be better off playing something else. For the record, I did suggest people just play with other people who they know don't snake, or stick with the single-player. But that obviously wasn't a good enough suggestion! It's shells as well now then for some? At this rate pressing the accelerate button will soon be considered a 'major advantage'.
  16. I've never played Mario Strikers, so I know nothing of these so-called cheap tactics you speak of. They obviously aren't much of an issue though if you can beat players who use them without having to use them yourself. Back to Mario Kart. I don't see snaking as a cheap tactic. Probably because I find it hard to do on courses with narrow roads or with more corners than there are straights. The players who find it easy have obviously mastered the skill better than I have.
  17. I suggest you just play something else instead then, and hope it doesn't have something that can give you skilled players an advantage over others. Good luck with that.
  18. That's not a very good argument at all. Should Bungie have ripped the sniper rifle out of Halo because there are people who have difficulty using it effectively, putting them at a major disadvantage? Ergo, you could say the same for most games. Personally, I don't like snaking either, and hate having to attempt it to keep up with players who do it (I'm not very good at it myself, and it makes my thumb ache after a while). But it's in the game, and nobody is breaking any rules by using it, otherwise the game would penalise players for it.
  19. Just play with other people who also don't like snaking. Or just play it offline. Sorted.
  20. Obviously, the 360 does have more to offer than just shooters. But it is easily the 360's most saturated and, I'd argue, best marketed genre. It wouldn't surprise me if there were ten or more of them for every game you listed!
  21. There's no rules in the game saying when you can and can't perform a boost. If you find that hard to accept, tough!
  22. Excite Truck style controls is exactly what I've been hoping for, so I'm very pleased to read that.
  23. We're only in January! What about the rest of this year!? Fable 2 is the only 360 game that interests me in the foreseeable future. That is coming this year, right?
  24. I think it's the perfect illustration that the Wii isn't for everyone. Just like the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, or any other platform you care to name, isn't for everyone. Considering the precious few 360 games I've bought over the last 12 months, I could just as easily say Microsoft are failing to provide for a gamer like me. The PS3 isn't far behind it either. Before you dismiss me as a casual game junky, most of my Wii games are aimed at established gamers, and my gaming platform of choice is the PC.
  25. If you think that about Mario Kart, don't ever play Burnout. Your head might explode! Speaking in general, I agree with steggy. The core hardware in a given console is set in stone, so developers can and should design their software to comfortably match its capabilities. Speaking of No More Heroes, I haven't played it, so I don't know how much of an issue its technical flaws really are. Judging by the reviews, not much at all. It is subjective though.
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