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Everything posted by Cheapshot

  1. If you like RPG's; YES! If you don't like RPG's; YES! God of War, Devil May Cry 3 and Shadow of the Collosus for example - plus the console doesn't cost much nowadays - I'm buying a PS2 myself at Christmas.
  2. I though you were talking about Core. And at the end of the day you have to pay more dollars than we do pounds.
  3. A girl threw my Tech coursework into a puddle one time and only got an hour's detention because she was a fucking goody-goody. There was like 50 peices of work literally down the drain. Don't think you've had it bad. I procceded to get a D in Tech because of that, yay for me!
  4. It's $399 over there eh? Thank god for the English economy!
  5. Skateboarding in general always makes me happy -- also nicking peoples items on Phantasy Star Online Dreamcast is a buzz too! :p Or having a tounie on Soul Calibur with my mates and always using Link's bombs hehe!
  6. I rate it pretty well, best strategy RPG I ever played. Might look into this though
  7. I Climbed up a waterfall once when I was 10 not realising I had to get back down, cue the fire brigade. I've done loads of more stupid shit that I don't really want to say here to be honest
  8. No games shown in 2005!? Looking forward to hopefully playing Perfect Dark at a playable framerate though.
  9. But is it as good as Vandal Hearts...?
  10. Hmm doesn't look as endearing as Symphonia but it's a buy for me anyway. ^_^ The graphics and battle system is a step backwards from Symphonia it seems (The characters don't even have their own battle victory celebration ) but the voice acting seems as good as ever though. One of the characters uses' a jar for a weapon, madness!! http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/718/718856/vids_1.html Here's some gameplay movies! Lookin' good! Is this definately coming to Europe?
  11. Kingdom Hearts? The battle music in the heartless stronghold was awesome huh?
  12. XD That's awesome!
  13. Mr nice guy right here!
  14. What's HDR? I don't know too much about graphics cards y'see.
  15. What are you getting *gasp* 30fps on the latest games now. I've had a 9600 pro forever now and I can play CSS on max 50-60fps, that's all I need.
  16. There's already been a thread about this. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=820 Check this out instead.
  17. Skeptical... That's all I can say.
  18. I can't even overclock my 9600 30 mhz over without getting artifacts. Finland is freezing so they have an advantage there.
  19. Can they play games properly at that speed or does the card blow up? Read the article: Stable!? WTF!
  20. That looks shit! I ain't impressed, it's barely credible to call it "cel-shaded". That is not cel-shading.
  21. Fantastic news! With the Revolution controller we could possibly get something more psychoticly fun than Killer 7!
  22. Broke my ankle skateboarding, couldn't walk properly for months.
  23. If you can, buy the Ps1 version and play it on an emulator if the bad music and pre-rendering annoys you too much.
  24. Super Mario Kart online!? HOW!?
  25. How come Dieters ping is at 0? Hmmm...
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