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Everything posted by Cheapshot

  1. They're supposed to be focusing more on the shooting side of the game with the new controller. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing...
  2. Then what would you suggest? I guess the advertising was bad... awful actually.
  3. Yeah! I have Powerstone! 2 player is absolute CARNAGE! Did you play the sequel? 4 player heaven.
  4. Shenmue 1 left such an impression on me, it was just so immersive that you couldn't let go of you're controller. It had the same magic I felt when playing OOT for the first time - I still play it on my DC now. But the game I loved the most has to have been PSO: ver II; the game was great but the community was what really made the game, we would talk about Dreamcast, Anime and stuff in general on adventures all day. Oh Sega! Come back!! There was just so many great games for the Dreamcast: Soul Calibur, Samba de Amigo, Virtua Tennis, Shenmue 2 I could go on. It was truly a console for the hardcore which was unfortunatly it's undoing... At the moment i'm collecting every last classic Dreamcast game I can find - how about you guys?
  5. Great game!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
  6. Diemetri - thanks but theres no point playing adventure games if you get told what to do. I've gotta figure this out!
  7. It looks like Nintendo have finally emerged from the 80s, it looks so stunning - the most gorgeous console i've ever seen by far.
  8. Ugh! Another reason to get a PSP - but i'm too poor...
  9. That was tongue in cheek...
  10. Hmmm... I think there's going to be a lot of people worried solely about they're image when playing this... This console might not go down well in western shores. I suppose lightguns are popular, the eyetoy is popular and nobody thought like this waving at on-screen ninjas. Why don't you just down a few pints and nobody will give a shit.
  11. You also said you would feel stupid with people watching; you have some obvious insecurites.
  12. YES! Thank god! But I still can't get past the damn golf puzzle on Sam & Max 1 :lmao:
  13. OH. MY. GOD!!! I'm creaming at the mere thought of playing Zelda with this baby! I better sharpen up my swordplay. ...I'm gonna explode with happiness!!! >_< Thank you Nintendo!! Thank you!! Thank you...!!! This is the sort of gaming i've wanted since I was a little kid!! I've dreamt about this kind of stuff; where the player can truly interact with the game world! Anyone moaning at this needs to get themselves down to the gym! Ahahahahaaha!! Jeez this controller isn't gonna prove too well for the hermits of this world.
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