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Everything posted by Samdecahedron

  1. Thank god i thought i was the only one with sensor issues. Mine hates the top left of my screen, and is fine on the Wii menu and everything else. Even though I've no reason to go up into that corner very often, it's still rather annoying.
  2. Right! I want a 26" (possibly 32") HDTV for my room, what with halo 3 coming oot. But i want a good one. Fist use is for my 360, i want it to look fantastic. Second, I'd like my Wii to look at least playable on it. I have £600, and i am not bothered about spending the full £600, so no cheap crap So if anyone here could recommend me a TV that fits the bill, I'll shower them with love. Virtual love.
  3. Everything comedy should be, it's awesome beyond words. Bought the series 1-3 box set from HMV for £25 a while back, such a great deal!
  4. I wasn't a fan of Halo 2 online really, but I'm gonna give this a go. Maybe I'll 'get' it more this time, or enjoy it more with more new players. One thing I've heard many sites say is that it looks just like Halo 2.5, which annoys me because Bungie have been saying that for months now.
  5. I had no problems at all with my update. Can i just say i love your achievement sig!
  6. Couldn't agree more, the game is a chore to play, and the battle system is overrated, too. X really is amazing, with a brilliant storyline that makes you care about what happens next, XII doesn't. I'm still shocked at how much i was let down by XII.
  7. Downloaded this when it leaked onto the net, first listen i was a bit disappointed. But it really, really grows on you and i think it's a really great album now. best tracks for me are 'Shadow Of The Day' and 'No More Sorrow' Music doesn't always need to use the most skilful playing to mean it's good either.
  8. Jesus christ, i wish Square-Enix would just make a good proper Final Fantasy. They've lost the plot (literally in FF12s case ).
  9. I've had mine for about 7 months now, and the only problem it has is it refuses to read Pro Evo 6 sometimes, saying it's a DVD not a game, and it sometimes comes up with 'to play this disc, please insert it into an Xbox 360 console'. But my brother plays that, so it's not a problem for me! But I've never had any console destroying issues.
  10. Eeek! I bought it without reading that post. Never mind, i get paid soon. Thanks for trying to warn me, though! I bought it for £30 second hand. is the Halo invitation built into the game or is there a special insert with a code on it? If it's the insert, i'm taking it back and exchanging it for a new one.
  11. I downloaded the Crackdown demo a few days ago to see what all the fuss was about. I hadn't had chance to play it properly until tonight. And what a fucking game it is, I thought it was some GTA clone, but this game is so much fun it's untrue. I will certainly be buying this when i get paid. How fast do skills progress in the actual game?
  12. Not all music in games is bleeps like Mario.
  13. I bought the Final Fantasy X soundtrack, and downloaded VIII and IX, too, because i can't find them anywhere online.
  14. If i spent that much on a Graphics card and they announced another one, I'd go into a blind rage for about 3 days.
  15. I have a scar near my Gentleman's area from when i had a hernia. You can't see it anymore due to...growth of hair.
  16. A little while ago, i bought a Multi-console RGB cable from Gamestation for my PS2 . The jump in quality was amazing, much greater than the Wii. Plus, i can put my N64 through scart, too because it uses the same connector as the Gamecube. Yay!
  17. Great, well that's the end of gamestation. I feel sorry for it's employees, by the sound of things, they'll soon be forced to sell crap to customers or lose their jobs.
  18. Been waiting for more info on this for a while now. The screenshots are pretty ugly, but the trailer is awesome! I hope that this one is less of a dumb car smashing simulator and needs a bit more driving skill, but i suppose they did that with dominator...
  19. Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Very High Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High Fantastic, I'm a nut...
  20. It makes me laugh quite a bit every week. People go into it almost wanting to hate it, so they end up disappointed in it. It just doesn't deserve all the negative comments it's been getting.
  21. Yay! Thanks for posting that, I've been waiting ages for PGR4. Looks pretty damn nice, too!
  22. Maybe not, but turn-based is what Dragon Quest is. In my opinion, if a developer wants to make a new experience, make a new game, don't ruin an existing one (like ff 12 did). Oh, and using gay as an insult for something is a little primary school, isn't it?
  23. IGN seem to think it's going back to turn-based from a news story here, but without random battles. Which i'd much prefer. I noticed i posted a negeative post about VIII in this thread, i take it back, VII is a pretty great game, just started playing it again.
  24. I don't care how messed up someone is, there is no reason to cut you penis off. Ever. The thought of it alone is enough to make me cry.
  25. I got my Squall one and took it straight out of the packaging, i'd rather use it to display than keep it in some box. And then my mum comes in "you're 20, too old for dolls". I give up.
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