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Everything posted by Samdecahedron

  1. Haha. This thread made me laugh, random as hell. I'm not really a man who enjoys his melons, but red are much better for me.
  2. Maybe he's overjoyed they're on a PS1 game? It looks like he's pointing to that!
  3. Thats just plain disturbing!
  4. I hope she falls of a cliff. I mean seriously, who the hell thinks, acts or talks like that in real life for gods sake?
  5. I keep getting a 'server too busy' message. Bugger.
  6. Is there actually anywhere that sells the Soundtracks for VII through to X? Or would it have to be an ebay job?
  7. You'd think so but the internet is a very strange place. As for this game, it would really please a lot of people, but it seems like a dream for now. Would be funny to see Mario with a keyblade though.
  8. It's the only one i like, some songs are a bit crap but it's greatest songs really are something special.
  9. Problem is, it was leaked, and i had Last.fm on when i listened to the download. It's logged FOREVER!!
  10. I did my A-levels, then got a job. i'm going nowhere, and i don't really care. Uni students annoy me anyway.
  11. I used to like her (my first album) and whilst it's catchy, i hate it. why has she stooped so low? And now she looks like any old popstar. I'm angry.
  12. Not really, i hated my Dad, and he recently died, i didn't care at all really. Family or not, people can turn into such idiots you just stop caring for them.
  13. Sorry to hear that man. A few years back, a load of shit happened to me and i felt like it was all crap, but i feel pretty good now, just stay strong, even if you feel like you can't.
  14. It's just life. Life is full of great stuff, and bad stuff. Some people (like me) focus more on the bad side, and it seems like everything is fucked up, when really it's not as bad as you think. Before you realise it, stuff will be good again and you'll read this post and think 'i can't believe i was that down'. Don't let it drag you down, because it's not a very nice place in 'the down'.
  15. I can't be too sure, but i think it was the same with San Andreas, i didn't see anything of it until a few months before.
  16. Signed. What a pointless law to bring in.
  17. FF8 Forever! I feel like going crazy at anyone who dares insult it.
  18. Hot Fuzz Some people say it olny comes alive at the end, but i really loved the whole thing, and found myslef laughing at little things all the way through. It was everything i expected it to be 9/10!
  19. I just think back to FFX and FFVIII as examples, and (as geeky as it may sound) there are so many great memories, and i honestly can't see me thinking the same about XII. But games like Dragon Quest that are just turns bore me, FF games always seemed to make it seem you were actually battling rather than selecting moves from a box, and that's what i loved. On the plus side, the boss music rules.
  20. The thing about mario 64 was wondering what was next, the sense of adventure and wonder. Sunshine basically set it in a really boring place, where everything looked the same. Still, i quite liked it it just wansn't as good as 64. Galaxy looks like it's a return to the exitement of 64!
  21. I'm about 15 hours in, and i have to say, whilst it's a great RPG, it seems to have forgoten what makes Final Fantasy great. The characters just don't appeal to me, i don't really care what happens to them, and for me that was always a big part of FF games. The battle system works, but i still prefer the old turn based style, planning everything as you wanted. The music isn't as good as before, either. i loved the FF7-X music so much i downloaded the albums, they create so much of the games atmosphere, and XIIs music seems like it could be any old RPG. Like i said, it's a perfectly fine RPG, i just wanted something that bit more special.
  22. I'm just a fussy Ba***** though, i like all my stuff nice and official. Oh well, as long as you're happy, i don't mind really. I just have this weird hatred of 3rd party stuff.
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