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Everything posted by bob

  1. We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass!
  2. This thread has drawn my attention. I will now watch this program.
  3. I'd probably start a thread on an internet forum asking what to do, and then just do what they told me to.
  4. To whet your appetite for the dvd's coming out: http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2012/08/the-avengers-gag-reel-is-funnier-than-the-real-film/
  6. Woah woah woah woah WOAH! You can do that?! That is what I want!
  7. So two of the people who crept into his house while he was asleep, stole his laptop and fraped him were complete strangers? I think i'm starting to come around to his point of view...
  8. Is he just annoyed at you, or with all the people involved?
  9. I only ever go into the General chit-chat forum. Very occasionally will i venture into Playground. The reason for this is that i worry that there is too much going on in other parts of the forum, and that if i do dip my toes in, i'll get caught up in all the discussion, and i'll have too many sub-forums/threads to check on/read. I feel like one forum is about all i can handle right now with the available time that i have. However, it seems that my fears were wrong, and there is nothing going on in the other sub-forums. So not much point in going in there anyway...
  10. I'd love it if some crazy billionaire bought Messi for a joke, and gave him to a conference side.
  11. Actually i've always thought that cycle helmets don't look or feel safe enough. I'm surprised that they don't make you wear BMX or motorcycle style helmets when riding bikes nowadays. I'll just stick to my 'hairmet' when worrying about style though...
  12. Was it just that FirstGroup offered to do it for less money?
  13. I was on the train yesterday, and the announcer guy said: "Thank you for choosing this train company for your journey" Neglecting the fact that he seemed to have forgotten who he worked for, i felt like shouting at the tannoy - "We don't choose what company we use! We just get on the train that is going to where we want to be!" It seems a bit weird that all these companies are competing for customers and such, yet most people are going to go on the same journeys regardless of who is running the line. It's not like someone trying to get to Glasgow is going to suddenly go to Inverness because it's with a cheaper trainline...
  14. I think they're fairly safe with that one then....
  15. He took that remarkably well, i thought.
  16. What confused me about American tv is that they have adverts constantly throughout the programs, but then none in between episodes of something! So, while an episode of HIMYM or Big Bang Theory might have two or three blocks of longs adverts during it, after the credits have rolled, another pops right up, with no ads at all, not even network ads! It's very odd to watch, and makes the actual distiction between episodes quite hard to work out...
  17. That's pretty much what i thought. It took a while to get going, with a fairly generic beginning. Then the middle bit happened,
  18. To be honest i've not seen Cars or Cars 2, so my average is skewed positively...
  19. I wasn't aware douching was purely a homosexual pasttime....although maybe i'm not that sure of what it is exactly...
  20. Went and saw Brave this week, and was a little bit disappointed....maybe i was expecting better things from Pixar. It wasn't bad, just not as good as the rest of Pixars stuff.
  21. That's because Wigan only made it to the top division a few years ago. Since then, they haven't been relagated. It's a technicality, but still quite a cool fact that Wigan fans can feel happy about (for one more season at least)!
  22. Apparently Wigan are the only team who have never been relegated from the England top division. That fact makes me want them to stay up.
  23. The Arsenal captain curse strikes again! I'm going to go with: 1) Manchester City 2) Manchestr United 3) Arsenal 4) Chelsea 5) Tottenham . . . 18)Reading 19)Norwich 20)Southampton
  24. Ah, you live in mid wales too!
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