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Everything posted by bob

  1. bob


    Can't remember if it was someone on here who predicted that:
  2. I like them all, although i agree Halo 2 is probably the least memorable. But you can pick it up for like £5 now, so it seems a shame not to add it to your playthrough. You've got 6 days to do it!
  3. No Halo 2?
  4. bob

    Red Dwarf

    I didn't really like any of the series/episodes when the whole crew magically returned. Kind of spoiled the whole premise of Lister being the last remaining human etc. On the other hand, there were some good/memorable moments, such as when Lister and Rimmer get a delayed beatdown in front of the captain, and Rimmers ridiculous salutes.
  5. Well Yvonne is being suspicious as fuck, but that does seem to be normal for this game, so i'll go for: VOTE: NO LYNCH
  6. Don't worry, you won't have to slap many people. I'm kind of a big deal.
  7. BTW all you Xbox360-ers should watch out for this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20136922
  8. I would say buy a bald cap and go as anyone bald. Unless you already are bald, in which case buy a wig and go as anyone with hair.
  9. @Fierce_LiNk Is it Dragooooo as in goooooooooal! Or Dragoooooo as in poo!
  10. Well if that isn't the most darned suspicious thing anyone has ever written...
  11. bob

    Red Dwarf

    Well in that case, it was a GOOD THING.
  12. bob

    Red Dwarf

    I have actually. I presume. My brain shutdown soon after 'Back to Earth' to preserve itself, but i assume they must have been really bad.
  13. I really like the look of the 360 panorama mode. Looks awesome! I hope it comes to the Galaxy S2 soon.....
  14. Personally, i would go to reddit.com/r/soccer and find the match thread for the game you want to watch (assuming it's a popular one) and they usually have a list of streaming sites there. I think there is a huge crackdown at the moment on them though.....
  15. Yeah i'm actually quite glad they got rid of weapon proficiency points. It was really annoying having to grind up the levels for a weapon class just to get it to be useful, especially if you just picked up a cool orange gun that you weren't proficient in. The badass points add cool stuff like extra gun damage and extra accuracy to all guns, so you don't have to worry about using one class more than the other.
  16. I wish i was deluged in money....
  17. bob

    Red Dwarf

    Wow you must really like Red Dwarf if you're enjoying this one so much and yet it only makes it into 7th place...
  18. This game is a bit like those ones you used to get in those puzzle games compendiums - the ones that went: Jane is married to Steve but does not live in a red house. Mary's dog is not called Bob. Her house is a pleasant shade of grey. Arthur hates everyone, but has a cat. A cat lives in a pink house. etc. But far more confusing.
  19. This thread just reminds me that i must go and watch The Avengers again.
  20. (Have you checked she's not a massive racist yet?)
  21. I will also take one of everything.
  22. Do you mean the actual 'weapon proficiency points' from the first game? I don't recall seeing those in the second game - i think they've been replaced by badass points. So yeah unless your actually going for certain weapon achievements, weapon proficiency doesn't make a difference in BL2. I find that snipers/pistols suit my play style as i tend to stay back and pick people off - the 'coward' style, whereas my friend is more the rushing in, all guns blazing 'idiot' style. It's a good combination.
  23. No no, nothing bad happened to me, and as i mentioned before, no ill effects were felt by Magnus either.
  24. It's writing in Arabic.
  25. I might have given Magnus a little something to improves his performance in certain areas....
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