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Everything posted by bob

  1. It's a lot easier to get a shoe off than it is to extract a pair of knickers. Also, I think @Ashley might mean Tom Jones?
  2. Surely it would be pretty easy to work out who did it and arrest them. Unless someone took an extra...
  3. The only thing the middle class love more than rugby is cricket.
  4. This sounds like some sort of poo-ragami and i want no part in it.
  5. Bizarrely, just got a phone call from my girlfriend to say that the company she ordered a jumper from sent her two by mistake. I told her not to open it for a while in case they ask for it back (thanks to this thread).
  6. No, but i did feel guilty about thinking of anyone but Nintendo when using them.
  7. Actually, thinking about it, when Nintendo offered free wiimote condoms, i ordered four, and they sent eight. Didn't feel guilty keeping all of them....they were free!
  8. I once ordered something from Amazon (can't remember what it was, something for Mother's Day i think) and when it arrived, there was something else crudely stuffed into the box. I opened it up, and there was a small box of Lego crammed in with the item i'd ordered. Strange.
  9. Yeah, i don't think anybody folds over used paper and then re-wipes. Why are we even having this discussion. It's what they want us to do!
  10. bob


    I used to be an athiest. Up until tonight actually. I was taking out the rubbish, and lo, what did i see beneath a bag of slop and crud, but a visage on an old piece of cardboard. Tis He! Come to save us again!
  11. Well, great result for one of us....
  12. bob


    I speak with a British accent. Like Dick Van Dyke yes? And Hugh Laurie? And Sean Connery? That's what i sound like. Edit: Yessssss, level 6 German! Oh yeah!
  13. No thanks, i don't really like Mafia games. Good luck with it though!
  14. Princess mononoke is rubbish though. Maybe I can pick up a cheap PS3 when the ps4 comes out so I can play infamous. Everyone seems to rave about it...
  15. bob


    Do the different languages agree on what is male and female, or do they all have their own rules and genders? For instance, is a table male in every language?
  16. bob


    Yes! This! Who the hell thought: Hmmm, yes, a little girl. We'll make that one..... neutral. Makes sense. To the pub!
  17. Well this thread went sour rather quickly.
  18. Well it's something you have to put in full view, so you want it to look nice - or unassuming. You only like it because it's a bit......cubic.
  19. Ah i see! Yeah maybe, but just because they don't kill as many people, there's no reason why assault rifles should be legal. Unless you're fighting a war, why would you need one of those? My point was that assault rifles should be illegal, rather than handguns should be legal.
  20. It looks like they are trying so very hard for it not to look like a Kinect.
  21. Hmmm, not sure i'd want that on top of my TV. Looks like it was make out of Duplo...
  22. A good idea, but it is in bad need of a good spell-check. I saw five or six bad spelling errors in just one page! Otherwise, it looks really good!
  23. bob


    Yeah i keep getting the articles wrong. Seems ridiculous that you have to remember the gender of every single noun in the world for French/German/Italian. How does that part of language still exist?! Why does it?!
  24. Ah! In which case: This video is awesome.
  25. I don't get your point?
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