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Everything posted by bob

  1. You know nothing! I forgot to set my tactics, and can't be arsed to check how badly I got reamed.
  2. Maybe this girl is a regular on a gaming forum (Sega perhaps?) and wrote in the dating thread that she was going on a date with this guy could she have some suggestions of things to say? After the initial few posts of people saying lame things like 'tell him you're gay', someone says 'tell him you want to upgrade your cunt, and then try and rape him when he attempts to leave.' All those other people were just forum members on their annual meet up, and we're just about to go and draw pictures of penises to show to children.
  3. Was that the final? Well done!
  4. I saw this last week and really liked it, although there were some plotting issues and the writing for the humans was pretty terrible. Still, Chimp Wars/10
  5. Wow, Edinburgh is a really beautiful city.
  6. Those are just lists of the top threads on reddit/r/britishproblems
  7. I thought Drahkon had no problems getting laid?
  8. You want a thrashing, you'll get a thrashing!
  9. Hang on, why are Mexico playing Germany?
  10. Real Madrid are like that kid at school whose parents were really rich and so they got all the newest, coolest toys that were around, and then everyone else would just go round to their house and gawp at the latest, greatest thing. They see what everyone is talking about, and then go 'I want that one', and they always get it.
  11. Pakistan?! Wtf?
  12. No idea who they are, but they look like they're doing some Weekend at Bernies shit with your corpse.
  13. I read this and thought 'whatever, did I win or not?' I forgot I was playing you...
  14. Aah, I paid the price of playing cheating and bruising every match. Ran out of players!
  15. Marth, Roy, Ike, what's the difference... If only there was a fighter who didn't need to wield a sword to deliver the beatdowns. Someone who packs a real punch in a tiny package. A tiny round package. Someone who can deliver a killing blow by deftly falling asleep at the right time. That character would be a real contender, and make this game AAA must buy.
  16. I think I've got about 20 in mine. And nearly all of those are people trying to get me to add them on Facebook in some sort of competition to see who could get the most friends or something. (Never did find out what that was all about).
  17. Drilling for oil?
  18. Ooof Moogle. You know humour isn't your strong suit!
  19. I think Flava Flav is pretty small. I've seen pictures of him with a pocket watch around his neck, and it looks huge!
  20. Well I work 34 hours a day down t'mine, and when I get home, my father whips us all with his belt and sends me to bed without any tea.
  21. Fluid Dynamics. You are doing one, no?
  22. Ridiculous hat day!
  23. If Jigglypuff isn't in this, people will die.
  24. Oh god, I fired up Brawl on my Wii U on Sunday and had to use a wiimote and nunchuck. It felt like playing with all the controls reversed and underwater and backwards. Awful. Definitely going to have to get a GameCube controller adapter.
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