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Everything posted by bob

  1. Their twitter says that's not an exit poll, just a prediction from yesterday. Still encouraging though, Yougov are quite accurate.
  2. 60% of seats are safe seats apparently. Such a waste of time.
  3. Hmmm, apparently my vote is worth 0.537. Still not great though. I hadn't realised how marginal my constituency is though. Fingers crossed!
  4. Politics is shit. Still voted though.
  5. What a fantastic comment. It's like someone boiled down the comment section on every Messi or Ronaldo YouTube video, and distilled it to its very essence.
  6. I watched this on Saturday. Generally thought it was very good. The one thing that i thought was instantly terrible though, was during the scene at the beginning when Tony and Bruce are in the lab, doing science, and Tony picks up something off the desk and taps it a few times, then puts it down again. It's clearly supposed to be some sort of magubbin, or thingamybob, with which he interacts when doing the science, but i noticed it right away as one of these. A 3D space mouse that we use at work for CAD etc. He picks it up and taps away at the wrist rest, and then puts it down again. Looks very silly.
  7. That's what I mean, which is why sometimes it's best not to know in the first place. When I started my current job, I joined at the same time as this other guy. I found out a while later that he was on a higher salary than me, for whatever reason (quite a bit more, like £4000). But I was fine with it, as the amount I was getting was great, and the other guy had a child to worry about, so I thought nothing of it is. My mistake was letting my family know, and I ended up having loads of arguments with my fiancée and mother, with them telling me that I needed to demand more money, or look for another job etc. But I didn't want that, as I like this job, and the pay is good enough. Anyway, I did nothing, and last Christmas we had yearly reviews, and they said that they noticed I was on lower pay compared to everyone else and I got brought up to the same level. I don't know what my point was any more.
  8. Oh yeah, I agree that negotiations wise, it is useful, I meant in terms of happiness. Worrying about other people's money just ends up harbouring resentment and anger. There's no need if you are happy and oblivious!
  9. You should never compare your salary to other people's. It'll only end in tears. As long as you're happy with what you are getting, don't worry about anyone else.
  10. Yeah I've heard that the steering wheel not being adjustable as a criticism. It seemed OK during the test drive, but I might feel different after a 400 mile drive...
  11. Yeah, it looks like the perfect beach machine. Taking it to Southwold next weekend after my sisters wedding for its first outing.
  12. I thought they were actually much roomier than I was expecting. I'm 6 foot 3 and I fit quite comfortably, although I have to put the seat right back. It's actually for my fiancée to commute in, so I'll only drive it at the weekends.
  13. It was a good day to buy a car I thought. I myself bought one of these: [ATTACH]3822[/ATTACH]
  14. Fair enough. They only have like 11000 seats right? Stil, you could try and get a ticket when United (Manchester) come to play.
  15. Are you gonna be getting a season ticket now then?
  16. I enjoyed the series; played through all three in coop, but I can't imagine I'll want to play any of them again for a while. I'd be interested to see what the remastered game looks like though, I don't remember the first one being too shabby to begin with...
  17. A lot of Indian families live with their elderly parents...are they less grown up/ independent than someone who lives on their own? I have no idea I'm just stirring shit.
  18. bob

    Just Cause 3

    Yeah, I'm sceptical. The only thing that worries me is it looks too similar to the last one. I mean, I'll be happy with more of the same, but I kind of hoped for something more as well.
  19. Not really a game, but I remember for that Super Monkey Ball flight game immediately turning right or left at the word go, and ploughing into my friends. They would either get knocked off the platform or it would ruin their run. Soon, they would try and do the same to me, until we ended up Sumo wrestling on the top of the platform. We did occasionally try and fall off the back of the platform and glide to safety, but it was always too hard.
  20. He probably meant he has 100% independence to do what he wants to do. No one has 100% independence to do anything anybody would ever want to do, unless you're somehow above the law.
  21. bob

    Just Cause 3

    Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.
  22. I had forgotten what a fantastic multiplayer game SMB was! Itching to break out the glider game again....
  23. Yeah I thought the charts were a bit bullshit. It kept saying that the maps would highlight the area where the treasure is, which it just didn't... I've just been finding the treasure manually when I see it. I had also forgotten about the seagull thingy. Also, what are those coloured cauldrons I keep seeing in dungeons? I'm assuming they aren't essential, but I couldn't work out what to do with them... This is what happens when you play a game like this with large delays in between sessions, I forget everything!
  24. Gah! It's my friends birthday next Saturday, and he wants to see this for his birthday (it's kind of a tradition that we go and see a Marvel film since they usually come out on the May Bank Holiday weekend). But I really wanna see this now!
  25. I'm pretty sure that's how I beat most of the harder levels in that game.
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