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Everything posted by bob

  1. Call of Duty is slowly turning into Halo, it seems. Looks good though.
  2. I just happen to like clicking 'next page', OK?! Also, you can't change it in Tapatalk...
  3. Well it's within two weeks of them charging me - it happened yesterday. But I'll wait and see what they come back with. And I fully intend to cancel my entire account, but only once I've sorted this out as far as I can. Thanks! Well...they refunded me almost all of it! Crisis averted!
  4. Yeah i thought of that. I paid through Pay Pal, so i doubt i'm getting it back. It's mostly my fault - i signed up, i gave them my Pay Pal details, i didn't cancel in time. I can't really complain. But automatic subscription fees should be illegal as far as i'm concerned.
  5. They've already taken the money...
  6. Yeah, i've emailed, but i don't hold out much hope. That's how they make money - luring people in with free trial periods and then charging them at the end of it. To be fair, they probably did send me a reminder email, i just didn't receive it. I think higher ups at companies think £400 is very much worth it, as it's how you can get into contact with other higher ups without having to network at events and go through PAs etc. Admittedly, i didn't realise they would take £400 out at once; i thought if i forgot to cancel it, i would pay for one month at most, but apparently the default button setting is annual payment.
  7. So a while back, a strange guy turned up at our flat, claiming to be the old occupant of the flat downstairs. He said he needed to get some post that would be arriving for him (a credit card) and could we forward it on to him. This guy most defininatly wasn't the guy who used to live downstairs, so alarm bells started ringing. Anyway, i knew the name of the guy who did used to live there, so Googled him, and found him on LinkedIn. I do have a LinkedIn free account, but you can't message people with that, so i upgraded to a Premium account for a month, for free, so i could message him. He replied, and said that yeah, the guy was legit, and that he needed to change his address in order to take out a credit card or some shit - still sounded dodgy, but whatever. When the post arrived, i forwarded it on. Anyway, fast forward a month, and LinkedIn just charged me £400 for a year subscription. I forgot to cancel the upgrade. The email address they sent the reminder to is my old Uni one which got shut down. As far as i know, there's no way to get a refund. Cock.
  8. Most of Coventry is like that, to be fair.
  9. Joke's on you! I'm on page eight.
  10. How did this thread run for seven pages?
  11. New glasses all round!
  12. Sorry, that was a typo. I meant to say I thought he was a Sian?
  13. Is it stalking if he basically told us to do it?
  14. I'm actually a bit confused. I knew that @Daft was male, but I somehow had it in my head that he was asian? Not sure where that came from.
  15. I think I prefer you without the glasses, but that might be the leather jacket.
  16. I'm out of thanks, but thanks.
  17. This is great guys. One we played over the weekend which was good fun was Blue Estate - it's an on rails shooter with a good sense of humour that uses the PS4 controller as a pointing device. Works quite well! I actually bought the second controller for Battlefront, and was disappointed at how little content there was for local coop. I'll have a look at some of those other coop games though.
  18. She does have a fantastic beard tho.
  19. Why would you want a second controller for your PS4. It's not like there are any local multiplayer games any more. *laments the death of couch coop in games.*
  20. No, I agree with you. But currently the chances of finding someone else or something they've discovered is like 0.001%, which is very low. One out of every 100,000 people. I reckon 1 out of every 10,000 would be better odds? Otherwise it's going to be really lonely! Also, there's going to be no incentive to name stuff if you know no-one will ever find it.
  21. I'm going to run them this year, so hopefully this'll be the year I don't get Biggest Loser, and win something much more awesome.
  22. It already is supposed to be multiplayer, they just need to reduce the size of the universe tenfold so we actually have some chance of bumping into one another. I wonder if you'll be able to give a friend coordinates of a planet you found, and they can navigate there...
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