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Everything posted by bob

  1. That looks like it should be on a dinghy out at sea, saving someone's life somehow.
  2. I always used to have cases and screen protectors on my phones, and inevitably I'd take them off near the end of the phones life and regret that I'd spent money on a nice sleek piece of kit, and then covered it up with a rubber/plastic monstrosity. So this time I'm taking a gamble, and not using any case. It felt really precarious at first, but I'm a reasonably careful guy, and rarely drop my phone. This decision might come back to haunt me though. Only takes one fumble!
  3. What do you currently have? You can cut a normal sim into a micro with a pair of scissors. It's not that hard. You can't use a nano sim though, you'd need an adapter.
  4. Well then, that's parity I suppose.
  5. Did they also remove the ability to change male characters chest size?
  6. I was thinking more: OK Google, text my wife - "Hi Snookums, can you pick up the cream from the pharmacy on your way home? OK, love you loads, bye"
  7. I love the idea of being able to challenge the final boss from the start. Why not? Should make speed runs interesting.
  8. They're probably not allowed to say 'We're not developing for the Switch because we think it'll bomb', so they have to make these excuses instead.
  9. I actually tried using Google to send my wife a text the other day. It worked surprisingly well. I can imagine trying it in the car, or something similar, but I'd feel very subconscious trying it anywhere public.
  10. How does it work with work? Do you get time off? Is it unpaid leave? Does it depend on your employer? Surely they can't have juries where certain members want to wrap up the process because they can't afford to be there?
  11. Yeah but the Switch comes with a holder thingy in the box doesn't it? So it's not like there's a barrier to anybody putting their Joy Cons in that.
  12. I think the worse thing about that advert is those arseholes sat in that lecture with their feet on the seats, with their backs to the lecturer. How rude.
  13. Surely that'll mean you are just worse at the game - it's not game breaking.
  14. He sounds like a bit of a bell-end, but if you are supposed to park in the garage, and the free spaces are for visitors, then i can see why he is annoyed. I suppose i would be pissed if i had a visitor, and they couldn't park because a resident was taking up a space when they had a perfectly good (albeit spider-y) space in the garage to park in. However, calling you a twat behind your back doesn't help anyone. So i would punch him in the face.
  15. Christ. Federer just won his 18th Grand Slam after 6 months out, at the age of 35!
  16. Finished Tales from the Borderlands last night. Really enjoyable game, and glad i chanced on it. I'm not really into story-based games, as i tend to lose interest in what's playing out and forget what's happening between bouts of gameplay. However, with games like these, the story is 90% of the experience, so you can't ignore or forget it.
  17. Welcome! I actually just assumed you'd always been here, just changed your name. Didn't realise you were completely new.
  18. That's a great idea! The Xbox achievements are definitely better than the PS ones. I remember when doing one of the Assassin's Creed trophies, I read that you could see how much further you had to go on Xbox, but the PS4 was just a mystery until you unlocked it. Rubbish.
  19. Get on my level. I couldn't finish Bioshock Infinite because it was too creepy.
  20. I never use it. Half because I just assume it won't work, and half because I'm worried I'll sound like a twazzock.
  21. They only have two shoulder buttons rather than four.
  22. If it's two games from the same company, might it be their fault rather than the shop?
  23. Flights for a six week trip to Australia, Japan and South Korea.
  24. What a pleasant guy.
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