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Everything posted by bob

  1. I read 'hard-left' as 'hard-light' and thought instantly of Rimmer. Those kind of holograms are quite popular - did you not see Tupac? And they were using old footage with that one, so were limited on resolution. When you're making one from scratch, presumably you can go as high as you want. I'd be surprised if it was truly real-time though. I reckon the hologram was prerecorded, as it would be hard to film him on stage giving another speech without the 3D cameras getting in the way... ...still, pretty cool!
  2. I would love to do it just so I can get a week or two off work with no guilt about it.
  3. I would buy another Wario Ware game.
  4. Well i'm sold. Where do i cash in all this buzz?
  5. Wow that's like 300% more buzz!
  6. Or a nice, reliable, VAG.
  7. Well obviously. Otherwise it'd be called Colin Was Wrong.
  8. bob

    Dirt 4

    I think they missed a trick by not calling the sequels Dirt 2: Dirtier, Dirt 3: Even More Dirty, and Dirt 4: Dirtiest.
  9. bob


    Thinking I might buy this somewhere along the line. It's been ages since I've played a proper platformer. Probably not since Galaxy 2...
  10. Some good stuff here guys. We're so good at 'conflict resolution'.
  11. My PRECIOUS!!!
  12. But at a later date, it'd be even cheaper...?
  13. I've never sold any of my games - they're all at my parents house, and will be in my house when i get a bigger place. I guess i'm a bit of a hoarder, coupled with the fact that i don't tend to have many games anyway. I have given a few away though. Gave a couple to my cousin to play (he's about 7 years younger), and gave a load of shovel-ware to charity shops. It always seems like too much effort to take your games and sell them for like £2.50 store credit, which, like Happenstance said, you might regret in the future.
  14. Going to view a house tonight that looks pretty fandappy. Got that terror that we'll find a cool house and someone else will swipe it!
  15. Do pension contributions count towards the FIRE percentage?
  16. Coolio. ____
  17. What does Cross Buy mean?
  18. Started playing this a couple of days ago. It's....ok. Not quite sold on it so far. I tend not to enjoy starting of my games with having to decide to put my early-onset dementia wife into a home and then telling her that our dog died, but it's picked up a bit since.
  19. Did you just suggest Leeds was in the Midlands?
  20. Go for it! Get a Switch on day 1, play Zelda as it launches and regret nothing!
  21. Here you go. In Conan: Exiles, they have a breast size slider, as well as a penis slider. Fun for all the family.
  22. Far Cry 3 was fine. You could hunt and craft upgrades, but you didn't have to. The herbs were also pretty much optional. I don't remember doing an awful lot of collecting stuff. Certainly nothing like No Man's Sky...
  23. bob

    Doctor Who

    Stephen Moffat can't write more than two seasons of something before it becomes cack. See: Coupling, Sherlock, Dr Who.
  24. Well if they just deleted the chest size slider from both models, that'd be fine. Inequality would be having it in one, but not the other.
  25. I think it's the resulting squareness of it. I wonder if they'd made it slightly wider so the controller ended up more of a rectangle, it wouldn't look too bad?
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