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Everything posted by Dufniall

  1. Just looked through my collection of Pokémon games for Pokémon day. Man, instantly want to play Sapphire again. Or go and buy Ultra Moon just to have at least played one game of every generation (I stopped after X).
  2. IN! *willsmithdoesthekirbydance.gif*
  3. I voted team gherkin, but I don't think I get to play since I will be gone this afternoon until tomorrow afternoon. They should extend these things to last 48 hours.
  4. There is a finish to the event? Is it time based or based on what you've gathered? If the latter is the case I won't be seeing it...
  5. Sweet! I wonder what the exchange rate is going to be. I have a feeling it won't be the best deal. I also can't remember how many it was in the old Club Nintendo system when you could buy Nintendo Points using your stars.
  6. Nice! Great to see another game getting a performance or graphics toggle, works wonders in FE: Warriors. For me it will probably be 60hz though, the difference between 30 and 60hz is much more visible to me than 720 vs 1080p.
  7. Ha, I had it the other way around. Battle mode means I can finally rack up some points. Anyway, 2 of my highlights: Sneakily stealing Simon's stuff: Never noticed you could parachute in this level, so naturally that is asking for a sky bombardement:
  8. In! freshprinceandjazzdancing.gif
  9. Got hit twice in the first 20 seconds of that video, love it!
  10. Dufniall


    I play it on PC occasionally, but alsmost never get into the top 10. My aiming is still too bad and I'm still learning the weapons, and also quickly switching between building and gunning. Especially when you see some people on Twitch, damn I still have a lot to learn haha. I loved 50 vs 50, too bad that was only a temporary mode.
  11. They are going to offer replacement kits and put the cardboard plans online as well, so you can reproduce them yourself.
  12. That piano needs to work with the Korg gadget! All in all a really cool move. I don't see this conflicting with the real franchises. Statements like "Nintendo go back kiddie again" make no sense. PS did it with LittleBigPlanet and the move controllers, XBOX with Kinectimals which both were targeted at a young audience. Nintendo does the same, only better and they show some real creativity here. However, I think we will see a lot of fan creations of Gundam suits, Animal Crossing houses and Mario Karts being made from these kits!
  13. The more people in the app the better! I am not online too often (also since I am in EU time so usually the UK guys get online when I go to bed haha). But I have played some games, and it is much better than with randoms (especially unranked) since there not everybody plays for the team.
  14. Team Action! Will be playing this for some time but I can't commit to any hours to form a team.
  15. I am still playing and loving FE:Warriors and never played the WiiU and 3DS version, so will probably enjoy this a lot!
  16. Holy crap, it just dawned on me. Chibi Robo tease because it was a Direct Mini.
  17. Hey I love those themes! Well not the Hello Kitty ones, but really like the Monster Hunter, Mario Hanafuda and this pretty one: Never bought one but got a lot with platinum points and as free distributions.
  18. Yeah insane, especially Intel's lukewarm response. I really hope this hurts them a bit to give AMD some more marketshare, and even give Qualcomm a chance with their WOS program. The processor market has always been way too one-sided.
  19. Yeah I enjoyed Resi 5 as well, although it is already much more action-heavy compared to 4. If you like the more traditional tight-space Resi try Revelations. Only let-down there is they traded the zombies for mutants. How is Resi Revelations 2 by the way? Never played that one as well.
  20. So how do you guys value the Legacy Edition? I just saw it on stock again, and am tempted to get it. On the other hand, I don't usually buy limited editions but for Metroid I might make an exception.
  21. Aw damn, I really thought it was a simultaneous release! Well, guess I will wait until Autumn.
  22. Finally played some rounds of Clam Blitz, quite fun! And I think the mode with the most of tactical stuff going on in Splatoon. So yeah, some better voice chat options wouldn't hurt... Also played around with the Squeezer, works quite well and has some actual range with the single ZR press option.
  23. Yes!
  24. Great, would love to join the Whatsapp group! What do you usually play, 3v3 ranked right? With normal mode I must say matchmaking is all over the place. Sometimes it is well balanced, but sometimes the gap in skill is huge.
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