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Super Mario Maker 2 challenge - June challenge has started!
Dufniall replied to Sméagol's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Super Mario Maker 2 challenge - June challenge has started!
Dufniall replied to Sméagol's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Dammit, accidentally already uploaded my level. Don't want to take it down and have to re-upload on Sunday so please don't play it until then. -
I'm not sure how it is now with Zephyrus as they are going in the third generation, so you would think they have the overheating under control. But true, gaming notebooks get expensive very fast! Anything over a 2060 is creeping up to the €2000. Like @Happenstance said, you can buy quite a nifty PC for that money! You can also wait a bit longer, buy a cheap laptop and a Google Stadia subscription.
I actually dont mind the look of the ASUS ROG series, but apparently they have an overheating problem. I think it depends on the series. Basically now they have the Zephyrus (thin and light and I think these may have some overheating problems), Strix (which are a bit more bulky but have much better cooling) and TUF Gaming (which are mostly plastic budget ones, but cooling is okay and they're the cheapest). I was actually product manager for Asus notebooks up until two years ago haha. Back then I didn't receive many overheating complaints, but I don't know how it is now.
This. There are quite a bunch of more sleek gaming laptops out there that don't look like a carnival. Or you could look into ones with a GTX1650 graphic cards for basic gaming, and you will probably find laptops targeted at content creators which also don't have a gamey look.
We can always host a digital meetup for the time being, using Houseparty or whatever. Could be fun, slap together a gaming quiz or something?
Turnip Prices Thread - Playing The Market In New Horizons
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
SOLD! Edit: Just send you a friend request @Happenstance -
Snake and arcade driving mixed together? Why yes please: Snakeybus Review
Yep, received a mail about the Kickstarter as well. That's estimated to ship late June (which means there's a chance they will be arriving after the retail release is in the stores). You do get a Steam key as compensation though for the Kickstarter delay.
Unfortunately I don't have the long people genes most Dutchies have, and I'm quite short. Which is terrible, because at concerts or festivals I'm always surrounded by giants and can't see shit.
I bought a couple of shirts when I was in Japan last year, and they fit well (size S) but they're a bit short length-wise. I wonder if the UK ones are different? Anyway, I found out they ship to Netherlands for free! (and apparently there is a Uniqlo now in Amsterdam as well), so maybe I should get the Pikachu one and one of the Dragon Ball Z shirts. And socks, because a lot of my current ones have holes in them...
There is a Dutch website who do this as well. They have a policy of reviewing a game when it is out (so the inevitable Day 1 patches are included), and preferably let two people do the review. They focus on video reviews and have a short review (5-10 minutes) for everyone and a long review (30-40 minutes) behind a paywall. Even the short reviews are good to watch as it is a discussion with two sides instead of just one person's view. But of course the big downside of this approach is your reviews will go up a while after the embargo, and you need at least 2 review codes. And I don't think a lot of outlets want to miss the embargo wave as that's the day you will get most clicks.
I believe this is also out on XBox GamePass for those who have it, so you can play it for free(ish).
Monthly update time! I managed to finish a bunch of games this time so that's at least something. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider (PC) Yes, it's done! What a series, despite a few niggles this has become one of my favourite series on PC. I already had quite some nostalgia feelings for Tomb Raider, so I'm just happy to see the series got a proper reboot and treatment. Seeing Lara develop from the young naive girl in Tomb Raider 2013 to the hardened grave robber she is in the original Tomb Raider from 1996 is a joy. Yes it's strange she quickly adapts to her role as serial killer, and still has these emotionally weak moments as they try to give her some sort of depth but I can imagine that it is difficult to get this balance right over 3 games regarding character development. It at least is not something that bothered me while playing. The side characters didn't have much of a lasting impression on me though. Gameplay-wise I really enjoyed having the bow as a weapon throughout the series, and I hardly used anything else. Combat was okay, but I would have liked if stealth was a bit better implemented. I almost never managed to finish of whole areas with stealth, and it somehow almost always ended in a shoot-out. Even though SOTTR added stuff like dragging enemies in the water, hiding against overgrown walls and hoisting enemies in trees I still never really felt in control over a stealthy situation. Luckily the graphics and the tombs made up for this. Some of the areas are extremely impressive and I just loved gawking at the environments. Tombs were often clever, and also graphically impressive. I'm really curious to see what they are going to do with the series from here on. I wouldn't mind if they revisit some of the old areas like Area 51, the jungle from TRIII, or Tibet. If any I think the reboot trilogy leaned too much on human enemies and I would like to see them go back to more "fantasy"-themed foes like before: dinosaurs, living statues, you name it. Ori and the Blind Forest (PC) For the N-E Café PodPals/Video Game Club I played and finished Ori and the Blind Forest. Not going to talk about it again but I put my thoughts here: Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Switch) I don't know what it is but this game kept being on the back of my mind. For closure I decided to buy one of the DLC packs that was heavily discounted and finish all the side missions. The DLC pack granted me a lot of new pilots, ships and weapons. New pilots meant getting a bunch of new powers to experiment with, while ships are basically extra lives. More and different types of weapons meant I could unlock a lot more secrets throughout Starlink. It did help making my progress through the side missions a lot more convenient. So most missions I still had to tackle were from the free Crimson Moon update, and they included a couple of race tracks, arena battles, and a longer quest where you have to round up a bunch of space gangsters. For a free update it was quite substantial and kudos for Ubisoft to put that out after the game bombed so hard. I really enjoyed my time with Starlink and I'm almost sad that it's over now. I like the universe, the travelling between planets and space battles are always a good idea. The only real thing I could still do is by the Starfox DLC as that adds a side mission for Peppy, Slippy and Falco but it's supposed to be quite short and I haven't seen that discounted yet. So for now I'm done with Starlink although I can still gaze at the Arwing that is sitting on my shelf. Too bad this bombed for Ubisoft, I think they are one of the better big publishers around these days and I hope their next experiment will be a bit more succesful. Pikuniku (Switch) It was cheap, it was short and it got quite a good review from Ashley so I got this on a whim. I finished it in a couple of hours and for the €1 it cost me it was fun. Gameplay wise it is easy and only once or twice there was a little bit of a challenge, but for the rest it is mostly walking around, talking to NPCs and winding up in quirky situations. It feels like a love project where they just threw all ideas they had in a big blender, and for some reason it worked out okay. What's most interesting is that my girlfriend who normally doesn't bother with games was laughing at me playing this game, especially when I was struggling to get rocks up a hill or when I put on a silly hat. So I guess points for team Pikuniku. Not much more to add besides if you want to play a laid-back, silly and funny game get this the next time it is discounted. Duke Nukem Forever (PC) Now this is a weird one. I started this game years ago as one of the first games since I got a PC again. It still sat there in my Steam library, and as you can now organize games in collections Duke Nukem Forever was resting in my The Backlog collection. I decided to reinstall it to see if it had cloud saves and yep, I could pick up were I left it some years ago, and I knew it was close to the end. So I plowed through the remaining 1,5 hours of the game and finally finished it. Yay, now I can move it from The Backlog to Finished! Case closed, FOREVER! Because this is not a very good game. Maybe back in the days it was quite decent, but apparently I already struggled to finish it back then. But now, as in the meantime I played games like Doom 2016 it just shows how mediocre Duke Nukem Forever is. Where Doom and Wolfenstein got the reboots a 90s FPS deserved, I think it is game over for the Duke. Guess with Trump in the white house we are just not in need of a macho, cursing, woman-unfriendly American stereotype. World War Z (PC) Every week I claim my free games on the Epic Games Store, and it's become quite a collection. I was browsing through it and noticed World War Z. As it got announced for Switch I decided to give it a go to see what the game is about. If you have played Left 4 Dead (2), you basically have the blueprints for WWZ. It is a four-player co-op FPS, and it involves zombies. Lots and lots of zombies. Normal ones and some special ones (like lurkers and tanks, also "borrowed" from L4D). Although none of the cast of the movie makes an appearance, there are links to it as you visit the same cities like Jerusalem, New York and Moscow. Also the towers of zombies climbing on top of each other to breach walls can be found in the game. There are four different campaigns to play, each consisting of 3 or 4 chapters. You can choose one of four characters, and a role to play (that isn't tied to the character so everyone can be every role). These roles determine your original loadout and special skills. You have medics, techs, explosive experts, alrounders etc. All in all about 9 classes to choose from. It plays solid, although I struggle to get a full party going most of the times, despite the game being on both PC and XBox. There are a bunch of weapons you can find, including silenced one to pick off zombies without disturbing them. Of course in practice this doesn't work, as there is always a teammate there going in all guns blazing. You have a primary and secondary weapon, and a consumable fitting your class (bombs, medikit, stimpacks etc). You can also find heavy weapons like flamethrowers and chainsaws. In almost every mission you will also find a spot that will be swarmed with zombies. Before you usually get a few minutes to prep, and you can find defenses like barbed wire, electric fences and mortars you can set up. Those are the best parts of the game, when an inevitable swarm of zombies is coming up. There can be hundreds of zombies onscreen at the same time and trying to keep your grounds can get intense. For the rest the missions are quite bare. Go here, go there, search bodies for keys, push buttons. But in the hectic times it is great. I've been playing on the easiest difficulty and that sometimes provides a challenge already. So on higher difficulty you are really going to need a team that works together which will be hard to come by playing with randoms. And if you're done there is also "normal" multiplayer which has stuff like Deathmatch and Capture the Flag Vaccine. It's good (for a game I got for free :P). I like the style of Left 4 Dead better, but this is a fun game to play as inbetweener. If you got it for free or find a good discount (or maybe it is on XBox game pass as well?) give it a whirl. I'm really curious to see how they get this running on Switch though, and what price they are going to ask for it. Can't imagine this running great.
Turnip Prices Thread - Playing The Market In New Horizons
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
Dropped by as well, thanks a lot Sprout! -
It's €39,99 on most retailers here in the Netherlands. ShopTo has if for 30 pounds (~€35) and the pre-order comes with a pen and notebook: https://www.shopto.net/en/swwo53-51-worldwide-games-p194847/ Never ordered from them though but they do ship to the Netherlands. Edit: eShop price is €39,99 as well
Announced in the Direct Mini last March, the game is coming to the Switch on June 5. It's time for a topic as the game looks to have quite some substance to it, people are hyped for it, and it has some online features so we can soon be playing Tank Wars online! Plus, a Japanese trailer popped up showing all the different games there are to play. It's cool to see Wii Play games like Tank Wars and the balloon shooting game make a return! Plus Wii Sports style bowling! I think I need to pre-order this as it will undoubtedly suffer from shortages at launch. Announcement trailer: Japanese showcasing trailer:
No biggie, I can send them both over. If you have any musical instruments to spare (so far I only have a white cello, orange and blue rock guitar) I'll happily take those. And otherwise it's okay, they are not expensive. Edit: Oh or if you have a wand to spare that would also be awesome. Haven't witnessed a single meteor shower yet... Edit 2: I have them ready to go @Aneres11 but I can't gift them as we haven't visited each other. Let me know when you are open or can visit me.
Another for the bargain hunters. Total War: Shogun 2 is now free on Steam for a limited time. I haven't played a Total War game since Rome: Total War, so I'm curious to see how the series is now. I remember Rome: Total War being quite impressive with the giant amount of characters on-screen.
Do you want the OK Motors slot machine? @Aneres11? They are from linking with Pocket Camp but I can order them if you want.
Turnip Prices Thread - Playing The Market In New Horizons
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
132 this morning, so I hope it goes up even more! -
Turnip Prices Thread - Playing The Market In New Horizons
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I can open up for a while @BowserBasher. Ready in 2 minutes! -
Turnip Prices Thread - Playing The Market In New Horizons
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
98 Bells here on Izumo. -
A new 3D skater had been announced, Skater XL. Looks alright although it's weird that all the environments are empty. Guess in the game everyone has to stay inside as well? Anyway, I'm ready for a new 3D skater to fill that THPS gap.
Friend Codes, Fruit, Trading and Photo Thread For Animal Crossing
Dufniall replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I had a 130,000 bells hot tub for sale today. Had to get it though, for my pimp-ass golden bathroom that I'm planning!