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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Less of the polls please
  2. I should be able to get online tonight. The PC is back downstairs and within reach of the Xbox, send me an IM later on MSN if you're playing.
  3. Hit anymore children with sticks? Yes, that's right, he likes to hit children. Eventhough they were his relations, and it was by accident.
  4. I use the internet.
  5. What is up with you?
  6. Did the Daily Mail tell you that? Its wrong. Immigrants put 10% more into a country than they take out. Asylum seekers are often grateful for any work, and they are given vouchers to use, not cash, off the government to survive.
  7. Agreed, add the orange crisps to that list too, and the country fudges.
  8. Jeesh, they are the nicest.
  9. I was at a party last night, it wasnt for Christmas (an 18th) but it was helluvalotta' fun. I cant remember much from the latter part of the night, other than me being a cigar, me being passed drinks and some other random shit. I was retty drunk, but hey it was fun! As for Xmas, no idea, probably hang with the family.
  10. Happy Birthday..!
  11. Its stupid that people who have been disfigured in an accident should want to look the way they were previously? K.
  12. What if you're saying it in a joking manner to wind people up?
  13. Stop with the narrow minded racism. Political correctness is often created by whites thinking that they will be doing a good job protecting the handful of people who might get offended. Probably by civil servants who have nothing else to do.. As far as i know, there have been very few cases when Muslims or people from any other religion have got offended over Christmas. Hell - I've even recieved Christmas cards of Muslims - they might not beleive in it, but they wish me well in celebrating.. So just quit the narrowmindedness. It might help to stop reading the Mail or Express and by binning those BNP leafets that get posted through your letterbox by those nice white skinheads.
  14. Maybe if i was horrifically mutilated in an accident. But other than that, no.
  15. Its a bit racist to say, "Fuck off from whence you came!" Especially when many off these chaps may have been born in the UK. Its ridiciulous that traditions should be overturned becuase of a handful of ignorent people. I for one wont ever be calling Christmas "winterfest" in my lifetime, nor will many other people, so chill it. Also, the reason why companies call Christmas lights "winter lights" is probably thye can sell their product to a wider audience this way. Wider audience = greater profit. Ker-ching $$
  16. I was always a Tom and Jerry man myself.
  17. Happy 4 years Falco! Out of all the people i know in Pittsburgh (only 1), you're my favourite.
  18. Cocaine. ¬_¬
  19. Awww I hate you Odwin. I was keeping an eye on this ready to lock it when it began to get uber-spammy You've broke my heart.
  20. Pirates of the Carabean is a wierd film for me: I liked it at first, i thought Depp was a great actor in it, and Keira is just plain eye candy. Then everyone started to rave about it and i started to dislike it. Hence why im not looking forward to seeing it. I'll probably go to see it though :P
  21. Didn't that drummer in Def Leppard only have one arm?
  22. That South Park episode is quality laugh-out-loud momenys a plenty. Thanks for reminding me. Stef - get some brillopads and use some elbow grease
  23. There's already two threads about this..
  24. This does look pretty bad, it was felt in the Netherlands too... I hope no one dies, but i doubt its terrorism - there are much biggers targets for would-be terrorists.
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