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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Oh yeah...watch.... Just joking!
  2. I hate it. Hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate it.
  3. Im pretty sure its 3.
  4. The licensing laws are a mess. There are many a loophole in them. For instance, its 18 to buy alcohol. 3 to drink alcohol at home with parental consent. 15 to drink alcohol in a pub with a meal. (I think). So many odd rules concerning it.. Anyway, as for that extra second..cool.
  5. Will has some class. All thos ecars are amazing. Lies! They are great. Although i wouldn't like to be in a Dodge in real life. The oversteer is just plain scary.
  6. Easy, post your favourite cars Mine: The delicious Ferrari Maranello 575M. Tommy Kaira Nissan Skyline Porsche GT3 Acura NSX Ferrari F40 More to come later!
  7. Just buy a long crossover cable, costing you about £7. P.S Dont buy one from PC World/Comet etc, they will try sell you one at about 3 times the cost. By a standard unbranded cable from an independant retailer or ebay.
  8. All your graphics drivers upto date?
  9. - Snowboarding Jacket - Team America - Highlighters - Cash - Chocolates - Enough deodorant and shower gel to last me until the next millennia.
  10. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Merry Christmas to you too!
  11. Yeah, Phosphorus can be a tricky element due to its different oxidation states, so i googled it and found it was PCl3.
  12. PCl3 Tri = 3 Google could have told you that though
  13. So this is what the US spends its defence budget on
  14. Dont the European's open their gifts on the 24th..something like that?
  15. Too all the people to want to go to Japan..why? It just looks really crowded to me, whats the appeal?
  16. Well, if i wanted to be a "prison guard" then i could have locked a lot more threads by now. I just keep them open becuase i think that some people might enjoy them.
  17. I just force myself into doing it :P Just do brief bursts of work (says 20 mins) and take 5 minutes out for a break.
  18. Yeah, just to back up Odwin's point: please don't spam. There are plenty of threads i dont like. For instance, Anime bores me, so i dont use the thread that's there. However i appreciate some peopel love it, so it stays there. However, "rate the other person's profile". No, just no. If you have a problem with mods, PM them about it.
  19. I was impressed with The Bends, they get an 8/10 from me. Rancid (if you haven't heard, google them, and listen to a few mp3s)
  20. Yeah, Happy Christmas/New Year. All the best for the year ahead.
  21. Round the World tickets my Belgian friend. £850ish for 29,000 miles (not inc taxes). I really hope to use one of those bad boys sometime.
  22. Most of the world really. There's too much of this world to see in one lifetime, so im going to try experience as much as possible.
  23. No. But it would ahve been even unnier if it was.
  24. That looked sweet. Let's hope that this turns out to be a good comic to film conversion (like Spiderman, Xmen), instead of an Elektra-esque film.
  25. Or the flipside of that coin is: He inspired many children to become great footballers. That earns his muchos respect. Don't forget, the respect off the millions of United fans that he captivated with his magical football.
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