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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. But why? :P Just go into town tomorrow and spend less and get one instantly, or buy a DIY kit :P
  2. You know where I am, asshole.
  3. As Oli said, buy an RC car for much much more cheaper.
  4. Its iRiver though. That means it'll be a quality built machine, support one thousand and one things and generally be awesome. Looks were never an iRiver's selling point.
  5. Its down to your school really. Im guessing they dont have to make you do it, but can you imaibe if you did it, hundreds more would follow :P
  6. That's right. Noob Day is here. Pay homage.
  7. Guy was telling me that the US Government emailed Mike telling him they would be shutting down the site. That's all he could tell me.
  8. 2000th post lol! Still no 360 for me. Might as well wait until Halo 3's launch..
  9. Works fine for me. Just loads a bit slow, feels like the 56k days :P
  10. Well, animals follow this to some degree as well. They find mates and have their offspring and thus pass on their genes. As for homosexuals, i dont know, i guess there's an exception to every rule. Different genotypes? Perhaps mankind has evolve and now doesn't deem having offspring as important? Im pretty clueless :P
  11. Its genetic. Humans survive and reproduce for one reason only - to pass their genes on. This is most commonly done through having children, and the only way this can be done - having sex with a different gender. Its also the same reason a parent loves thier child. This 'love' is just ensuring that their children will reach sexual maturiry and thus pass on the genes further.
  12. I thought they were very impressive. As for myself, i set off my firecrackers and i still have all my fingers left. Which is good.
  13. Going to a mates. Beer + vodka + firecrackers = fun. (hopefully)
  14. Sheila's Wheels. 'Nuff said.
  15. Haha. An iPod with a use!
  17. Is that why you went to bed then? :P
  18. In conjunction with Monsieur EEvils's thread, name those adverts that you love. My nomination: Honda's the Impossible Dream Great soundtrack, great advert and another quality Honda advert. These guys are awesome at making commercials.
  19. Guy. Man, watching that film with you guys made it even more hilarious.
  20. TVR are Russian owned but still assembled in Blackpool. Guy also wins the point for the best car in this thread +rep.
  21. Great series. I purchased the boxset and loved virtually every minute of it. SPR is a great war film too! Get it. Enemy at the Gates left me disappointed, just seemed to cheesy for war. A Bridge too Far is a great little old school war film and has a wealth of great actors in it.
  22. I disagree with you Booker. Ive spent a week or two in Cornwall. Great place and totally different to life back up in Manchester. I'd say its a holiday.
  23. I just got up, thus totally missing it
  24. You realise that your girlfriend reads this forum too. Right?
  25. Nope. Is it Sarka's or Sarka's girl's?
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