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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. I thought the tag line was "everyone's different".. there's no set amount, just when it changes there may be a problem..
  2. @Fresh - yeah but I'm sure they messages everyone saying it wasn't liekly to go ahead now? (regarding Hull uni)
  3. FIGHT THE SYSTEM! It might not be shitty, psoriasis is usually a sign of an over-active immune system. Bored of fightning everyday antigens so it decides to clobber your skin (eczema/psoriasis), joints (rheumatoid) or any other part of your body (any other immune mediated response!)
  4. Might pop along to see Zane and Pendulum. Chapper and Dave.. fuck right off! Apparently, HUU were close to getting a Hacienda style night, but can't due to the immense amount of money it takes... gutted!
  5. There's always been knife crime! What do you think they had before guns became so cheap?! From about 1800 to nowadays the main form of weapon has been the knife. Yet more media fucking spin! Newspaper sales are the lowest they've ever been for decades so they have to report more and more sensationalised stories to sell their papers.
  6. yeah, massive proportion of the public have MRSA. And all people have C. difficile in their gut. So y;know, if you're pretty ill trying to defeat other infections in your body, th e chances are they pop up to say hello. Another bullshit medis spin article. Yes, some cases are due to bad hygeine/practises, but most of them are due to what you.your relavtives have and raise their head due to immunocompromisation. Fucking media. Another bun in the oven!?Congrats! QMC is awesome. They fixed me leg. Doped me up on nitrous oxide and tramadol. Best days of my life, apar from said broken leg.
  7. Breaking my leg was the most painful thing I've done. I think the worst part is the crack you hear.. everyone on the field heard it! The swelling afterwards and trying to move it afterwards is really painful. The best way I can describe it is a sudden intense pain similar to when someone kicks you in the shin really hard, except it lasts for ages and ages and doesn't stop. Broke my leg in May this year playing Sevens. Turns out my leg was already fractured with a small underlying stress fracture that opened up fully when I got hit. I didn't think it was too bad at first.. even tried walking off the field. Then the leg really started to swell so I had to go to hospital. Got a spiral fracture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_fracture . Worst part is having the cast on though as its really painful in teh first week to move it, plus I was in a cast from groin -> ankle which limits almost any movement. Luckily I'm now in a calf brace and will have it off come August I'm hoping! Breaking long bones isn't recommended.. 12 weeks in a cast.. possible need for surgery and complications with compartment syndrome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartment_syndrome (which they thought I had at one point..) Wouldn't recommend.
  8. BlackFox has merged all the threads together, and wishes all a happy birthday. (sorry if it all looks a bit confusing now!!.. :S)
  9. Great avatar, and great threads. Also a great user of the English language. Nice guy.
  10. Ah that's a very good point, I think the NHS must always provide essential care. I think it shouldn't be used for some things though, say un-medically needed cosmetic surgery. But there is a grey area of treatment which needs to be defined, and is a tough job doing so! Its going to get tougher, especially with novel drugs that are increasingly more expensive, also with the population increasing. And also the increase in the amount of preventative treatment. NHS faces tough challenges but hopefully ones it will overcome. I think the NHS is awesome - one of the best things about this mighty country. My sister's had heart surgery twice, which would be been extremely difficult for my parents to cope financially without the NHS. When I broke my leg this year, I would have been facing a hefty bill which I wouldn't have been able to afford easily.. saved me the best part of a grand+ They're also (hopefully) my future employers.. and also subsidise my tuition fees by around £47,000 a year.. Yeah, NHS is great. Long may it last.
  11. As many of you probably know, The United Kingdom's National Health Service is celebrating its 60th year of existence! Watched a pretty cool programme on it ITV just now.. how two people were saved from near death due to the NHS. What do you lot all think about it? Great? Waste of taxpayer's money? Should we have personal medical insurance instead? Go!
  12. That's boss. Love it when there's fucka ll to do and have to survive by candlelight for a couple of hours. Much fun to be had. Luckily the gas cooker still works so meals are a-ok. My life is mundane too!
  13. To thyn own self be true.. You have to be honest with yourself though, its going to hurt her but you did the right thing not to string her along. Hope you and she are OK.
  14. 29th August.. full time placements (9-5, x5) for 45 weeks!
  15. Probably be at uni.. so it's a negative from me!
  16. Awesome match - very gripping! The better man won on the day!
  17. Woosel. (+ PBF)
  18. That is the fucking bizzle.
  19. High dose fish oil is key, apparently. None of that bollocks value fish oils - has to be the real deal! From what I've read, a couple of months of that and although the psoriasis gets worse at the start it gets better in the long run.. Mate, be careful. I did that at Easter and got a stress fracture on my right leg. Someone ran into it in rugby and broke the bone properly (3 tibias, lol) and I'm still in a brace for my leg. Just take it easy and build up slowly, and try to run on grass (etc) or you may get them and they're not good to have! As for me, more muscle, less weight would be preferable; on the whole I'm happy though so I'm not too bothered at the moment!
  20. Nope, just doesn't update to start off with!
  21. Hey all, I'm after a replacement to AVG Its been pissing me off recently - I'm sure it makes my computer load unbelievably slow on startup, and its stopped updating. So, any suggestions?!
  22. Did that and it was fine..
  23. Pardon my ignorance - what's a " (O 3 o)/ "?
  24. Flink and Eenuh.. the next Jordan and Letty?!!?!?!?!1
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