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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. I made a thread aaages ago about London. I think it would have been around 2005/6? It basically had a load of stuff I crammed into one day in London. If you've got a few days you'll easily do all that and a lot more. The buses in London seem alright and frequent.. not got one though as the underground is King!
  2. Only in the realms of science
  3. Haha just realised now. If you do it several times the symbols for the multiples of nine change, so it seems your getting a new answer everytime. Thanks!
  4. .. but how does this game work?! I've done it about 10 times and 9/10 times its worked...
  5. My friends are like that, except that I chose to live with them as they're my best buds. I've stopped giving a fuck to be honest.. I rant once in a while and they clean up.. eventually.
  6. I love curries.. I'll pretty much eat any of them with chicken tikka in them. Whack a garlic naan and pilau on the side, with baajis. I want one now..
  7. Good luck and try not to worry!
  8. With lots of boursin (garlic cream cheese stuff) in the middle, slightly heated. If you're feeling extravagant, add melted mozzarella for a winnerific snack.
  9. Seabrooks. The other two are shite compared.
  10. Lol, can't see this thread going anywhere...
  11. Least she got 15 days in jail, she'd much rather have that 40 public lashes I'd figure. Rather stupid I agree.
  12. I got 8.. Strange. And I' half asleep..
  13. You're a tool. Get yer eyes out of the Daily Mail and see the wider picture. This country is one of the best in the world.
  14. Most diseases are pathological changes, often with no cause. Are you saying autoimmune diseases are our own doing (Well, it is body vs body, but we don't choose to) or maybe (most types of) cancer? Yeah, there's a hell of a lot of lifestyle diseases - but humans are humans, they still need treating. Yeah, that's quite true. Animal testing is the second stage in testing. They are testing on supercomputers first to test their viability and efficacy in humans. Then tested on animals to see if they're any safer. As for animal testing - I'm for it. You're probably right in that fact we have no right to say who is the superior species - but at the end of the day, humans vs animals, I'll pick the animals to be tested on everytime. Until a fesible way of testing new drugs is found then there's no other often, in my opinion, and British Law says so too! I challenge any animal right campaigner to refuse their treatment though. Every single drug/vaccine/intervention has been tested for safety on animals before hand. If its life vs death, I wonder who would have the balls to stick with their principles?
  15. Good thread! I'd love to read a few more books, other than textbooks and journals. But instead I lurk on Nintendo forums..! Would you recommend Hemingway?
  16. Like Jordan said, cool it. I (and I guess most others) don't wanna' read about some of that shit..
  17. Good gift ideas which are nice to see in this holiday which is now inept of meaning thanks to companies advertising in November and generally ramming down the idea we need to rampantly spend excess cash on gifts that only really display grandeur. Just a thought - why not reduce what you'd spend on a friend by two quid, multiplied by a few people = a real benefit to people who aren't as fortunate as ourselves..
  18. I hate Christmas.
  19. Set your alarm to go off earlier, say 7.30am when you need to be up at 8.00am and snooze it for half an hour. Then sum up the willpower after half an hour and get up! And get up in a single swift motion, tends to help! Saying that... better sleep.. exam in 8 hours
  20. Indecent exposure maybe? I think the event occurred in a hostel so it would be classed as a public place.
  21. Only in Scotland
  22. Human...?
  23. But they have to protect themselves from the King of England!
  24. Reminding you all that Remembrance Sunday is today and there is a two minute silence at 11am. Cenotaph coverage is from 10.30am on the beeb. A chance to remember and celebrate the dead who have died for our freedom during wars - something everyone should observe, regardless of political differences.
  25. Yeah, being flat sucks - mainly cos wen it does snow there's no places to sledge, and the fact Hull could do a New Orleans. Least my rooms on the upstairs!
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