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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Happy Birthday pd!
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. I do 30+ hours a week as it is. I'd rather just fuck off a job and live in poverty and have some fun with the time off I get. Oh, and I've done 40 hours a week. They're not that bad.
  4. In response to Dan Dare: I thought Lolita was crap..
  5. Have a doctor look at it. They see hundreds of lumps every year. Even if its nothing it'll put your mind at rest. Stop putting it off and go! You don't. Just make an appointment and say your heading to mate's house or something. They cannot tell you're parents.
  6. Not lost it, but i tend to check when I stand up to get of the bus or whatnot. (that's the sign pick pockets also look out for ) I'd hate if I lost or had it stolen though - would be such a major hassle.
  7. I rally enjoy American Dad - more so than family guy. Maybe this will be good I'm thinking.
  8. That was tiny compared to the ones that have hit elsewhere. The scales increase 10x per unit (i think), so the difference between 5 and 8 is 1000x the pwer - I think.
  9. It doesn't have to. The big, big earthquakes (Kobe, Turkey, San Francisco) are all on the major fault lines and hence are uber powerful. However, smaller stresses exist within the plates due to their movements and when these>resistance from the rocks = a smaller earthquake like we had. Its probably a lot more complex than my A Level knowledge!
  10. I think everyone is capable to do so - surely many people have their breakpoint? Could I? I dunno - I'd hate to do it.
  11. /BlackFox leaves.
  12. Gloucester felt it. I thought it was a truck going past the house at first but ney - quake it t'was. Shame I wasn't in Hull - would have been stronger there!
  13. Sorry, no advertising!
  14. Yeah let's get back on topic.. create a different thread if you want to. Or something.
  15. lol I guess they don't teach you humour either
  16. Because you're opinions are something that a Daily Mail columnist would write. Then Thatcher? Well that was a childish comeback to the MAF comment you made. It was meant to be ironical. I guess mummy and daddy's money to send you to public school isn't being put to its full uses! Oh, and I have heard of the Falklands, thanks Anyway, let's move this topic back onto blood donation.
  17. Yeah that's me. Although I'd call your idea of an "opinion" a delusion. I do nice things for others. I give to charities, etc, I just wouldn't give up everything I own to give to someone else. Any I'm guessing that practically everyone will agree with me. Haha... when did the mines and Argentina come into this?! Mental help? Oh the irony!
  18. Haha. Giving my worldly possessions to Africa is impractical. Plus its not my fault I was born into a country that lets me have these things. Anyway, point aside, giving an hour of my time and a pint of my renewable blood isn't impractical. Not everyone in GB is a benefits scrounging, idle criminal like the Daily Mail is making you believe. There are many people out there who are in need of help at times and are the model citizen. Go and live with... Thatcher.. or something.
  19. What a stupid belief you utterly selfish bastard.
  20. Blackfox


    It's gash.
  21. Try signing up via here. Anaesthetic = no pain. However, if they have to do an emergency one - its one of the most painful procedures ever.. Its to do with risk - I can't be bothered looking at the statistics (hate them) or whatever, but its better to refuse blood than risk infecting others. I really doubt the NBS is the last bastion of homophobia in the country...
  22. Have a look at Travelodges in London. They're normally quite cheap in advance. When I went last year it was £50 a next for Covent Garden (actually more like Holborn) and it was really near the tube lines for attractions and stuff. £50/4 = win. Oh, and Wetherspoon's beer is cheap for a reason. Near its sell by date mostly. Hence, shit.
  23. Why is it female only? They'd get more money if men could take part.. idiots.
  24. I thought you were the King of Fun!?
  25. - Go for a run. 5k or so should knacker you out a bit, and on the plus side will get you some good exercise too! - Try tensing your toes for 10 seconds, then your calves, then hamstrings & quads (and so on..). Its meant to release a chemical (relaxin?) that helps you feel tired.
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