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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Prollies Russia. They have a larger army and shit lot of weapons.
  2. I was a bit disappointed with this one. Ideally they should have made Part 1 and Part 2, and thrown all the extra stuff that's in the books. Grint and Watson were pretty good, and the new casting was too. (Tonks would get one). Radcliffe's acting was a tad shitty though. Bad scripting, yes, but he seemed to go down in his skills - since he was pretty good in GOF.
  3. Eurgh. They just taste too sugary and soggy. Give me normal rice crispies any day
  4. Screening isn't 100% effective, and statistically gay people have a higher chance of acquiring an STI. Bloods clinics are desperate for blood and wouldn't turn down the chance of blood if they could help it.
  5. I think its a pretty good idea. Hundreds of people die from needing organs each year - and this poses a viable solution. Albeit one with interesting ethical issues! That'll never happen. You have to be in a braindead state, or have brainstem death. Your heart will still beat, thus keeping organs with a supply of blood - and you'll be artificially ventilated. Most organ donors have massive head injuries and therefore have no chance or recovery, and are only kept alive via a life support machine. So rest assured, the doctors will make sure you're pretty fucked before cutting you open Everyone should try to donate organs though, to not to it just selfish.
  6. Soft Cell. Yeah mate.
  7. I always avoid Marketplace. Its great until they cockslap you with sky-high delivery costs which actually make it more expensive than buying off normal Amazon.
  8. Happy Birthday Magikarp.
  9. 40 hours a week. Works out at 6.25 - so not too bad.
  10. I'm can't wait either! Just demolished the 6th book today and I'm going to pre-order the 7th off Amazon (I too have a gift voucher!). I'm just debating whether to get the kid's or adult's version.. Predictions: Hmm.. I still think Snape is good, and had to kill Dumbledore to ensure that Voldemort died - for the greater good, and all that. And I don't reckon Harry will be killed either. After all, the books were originally for children. Anyway - bring on the 21st!
  11. Heh, just went to my local pharmacy where I used to work. "Eight weeks, two grand?" I shook his hand right there and then.
  12. Morning - thought about adding this into the pr0 job hunting thread, but nah. Anyway, I need your help compiling a killer CV for me. So I can actually get some work. Tips/tricks/advice etc, thanks.
  13. But I thought you didn't even have a degree in it?
  14. No one can really prove that global warming exists though - currently its a theory, since the study of climate is ongoing over thousands of years - not the last hundred or so. Although there seems to be correlation between greenhouse gases and temperature, there isn't enough evidence to show whether this is the cause - or merely an error/a blip. So in short - no one knows. And that's the view backed up by most people who really know about the climate i.e. climate professors. What people should focus more on is adaptation. What's easier to do?- Reduce CO2 emissions by 50% or not build on a flood plains (which.. duh.. flood). Simple: the latter. Due to the emerging economies of India and China, global GHGs will rise, so rather than futile attempts to stop this - you may as well adapt around it.
  15. Really good story. In the words of 4chan morons: MOAR!
  16. Sea levels rising = destruction of Liverpool and a beach for Manchester? Must be good then!
  17. Passed my first year. Here's to another year of drinking!
  18. I can masta some skillz. Give me 4 years and I'll be pro.
  19. I need works - I am teh mega poor! Its fucking hard though, no one wants temp work. Argh!
  20. I care? I'm not having a dig at Tellyn, just, why does anyone really care about him?
  21. Mega shabba.
  22. I dunno when I get my results... sometime soon I guess.
  23. Birthday Happy's! Have a great day you two!
  24. Cliffhanger is gash. Absolute shitcockery.
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