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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. BBQ planned for later if the weather stays the same. Currently overcast with cloud but warm.. any excuse to have one!
  2. Crap, I'm pitted against one of the hardest people I've effer played
  3. Awesome, have a great day.
  4. Summer is an amazing season. I wish it woul dbe none-stop sun and 30+C from now until September.
  5. Have an exuberant birthday!
  6. Hmm, that might be a bit tragic for my lappy - it lags a tiny bit with 4.. :S
  7. I found my Sim City 4 disc, and have been killing a few days making some cities - and having mixed results. Thought I might make this thread so we can all discuss cities, tricks and tips, etc. I've been making a city which so far has been all low density - starting to slowly introduce high density housing to some of the more affluent areas of the city. Currently have 800,000 in the bank, and a mayor rating of 70. This is probably the best city I have. Anyway, get discussin'!
  8. Just make sure this one gets completed for once, they never seem to do on here I'm easy with the layout
  9. Haha, this is the biggest lie ever. I'll play - been a while since I have. See if I can regain my skills!
  10. Are you intentionally a fucking moron? Its stupid that he;s blaming Halo. There is actually no comparison, besides it uses weapons. Ahwell - it'll hardly get banned.
  11. This is crazy, I saw a newsflash on the BBC a few hours back and there was one confirmed death. This is just shocking and highlights the need for the US to get rid of most of their guns which some ancient law allows them to have.
  12. Fucking Chelsea bastards. Looks like it'll be a decent final then. I hope Manchester United's recent form will obliterate Chelski.
  13. Hey Bud, chin up. Try explaining on your form that you had extenuating circumstances (sp? i don't care..) and then blag that you were ill wiht something (etc) and you couldnt do the exams to your ability and make then make up the marks in re-takes. I knew a girl who did this and got into Manchester to do medicine, so at least give it a shot. If you're struggling with a certain subject tell the teacher and try get them to teach you a bit more since you're applying to do medicine and that you need extra help, etc. Tbh, chemistry aint that important in medicine (from my exp). Keep chasing the dream!
  14. I think I might have known your brother Stef, never spoke to him though
  15. Pretty much any Guinness or Honda advert. Non-fiction.
  16. Yeah, Holy Cross massif! Well, put it this way: they're bullshit. I got an A (just about) by writing bollocks. I barely answered the questions, but as long as you can write in sentances, using English and vaguely keeping in line with the question then you should do alright. I have a mate who wrote his history revision notes in his exam. result? B. But do try to do well, afterall, an extra A might get you a few more squids in terms of busaries in uni. Also, do you have an older brother? Who also went to HX?
  17. You gotta love exam timetables. I remember having 5 exams on one day. That or having biology/maths calc paper on my birthday.
  18. One of mine came second, but I didn;t bet each way My dad won with Silver Birch though. Dang!
  19. I'm liking mine for some reason, I'll probably get bored of it in a week or two, so, until then..!
  20. Man, these are some pretry scary things. Mine are pretty mild in comparison. We once did this "elevator" thing to this kid (like what Moria said) and the guy passed out and started to fit. That shit us up. Then I was drunk one night and KOd a guy by throwing an apple at his eye (by accident) and he went down like a sack of shit. Scary as fuck. Also, stepping into the dissection room for the first time and seeing all these body bags just lying there. Not so much scary, but eerie.
  21. Put a quid on: Hedgehunter, Dun Doire, McKelvey, Point Barrow and Joes Edge. *crosses fingers*
  22. which is?
  23. I have to shave every few days otherwise I geta fair bit of stubble. Trying t grow some lamb chops for comedy value atm though. Oh, shaving pubes for me is a no-go - my chin itches enough, thanks.
  24. I'll probably have a flutter. What time do I have to get to the bookies by?
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