Did you guys ever see this Better than Wolves mod? Im just watching it now and its pretty amazing, basically a load of the stuff that it would be great if Notch added
Just watching Dumbo with my niece at the moment, been years since I last saw it. It always amazes me how well the animation in movies like this holds up all these years later.
I dont really get how something like that could be proven as fact anyway.
It does kind of make sense but also seems odd in the fact that dreams are all imagination so why wouldnt that also translate to people.
Its a shame you know because in Insua's first season I actually really liked him and thought he looked very promising. Just after that he never seemed to show any of that promise again.
I realise I am in a dream every now and again but unfortunately I always find myself constrained by whatever rules I seem to have set in my head for that particular dream.
I see the beta opens up for everyone today. Dont think i'll bother getting it still, im not a big fan of the multiplayer and when i do get around to trying it id rather just play it on release.
Bought these two games today to help keep me busy while I once again attempt to save up some money for a new computer. One for the single player and one for multi.
Ive installed my copy of TF2 today so i'll hopefully be able to start joining you guys on this. Just hope my laptop can run it ok, first time ive played it since my old pc.