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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Word is we'll be getting a trailer for the Avengers with the Captain America movie
  2. Comic Con doesnt start properly until the 21st.
  3. Heh heh, huge stack of Parents
  4. Start charging people to use the bridge!
  5. Well im not massively bothered about specs as im just looking for a budget one, especially as the more taxing apps will be used on my ipod touch instead and to be honest so far ive just liked the way the Wildfire S looks. Im not totally set that its the one i'll be getting but its one I like. Thanks for those links to the Windows ones. At the moment i'll probably pass on those as I just dont like the Windows interface for phones. Im still trying to keep my eye out for any deals on some of the more powerful phones though, maybe i'll get lucky and one will come down in price.
  6. Actually no, the one I was looking at was the HTC 7 Pro but im still not sure on the Windows stuff. Plus both are more than I was looking to spend on a new phone.
  7. Another quick question. Does anyone have or have used a Windows 7 phone at all and if so are they any good?
  8. Looking into it I may order myself a Wildfire S next week. Im just checking on how good the Vodafone signal is supposed to be in my village first.
  9. What would you guys say would be the best budgetish android phone on the market at the moment? Preferably Pay as You Go. I know we talked a few months ago about the Wildfire and the San Fransisco but as its been quite a while I wanted to check what else is out there now. I mainly want a phone for the usual stuff and then a bit of internet usage. Apps im sure i'll use but the more powerful and power draining ones would be used on my ipod anyway so I wouldnt need the extra power or whatever for them.
  10. I hope we get some kind of trailer at Comic Con. While I think Spider-Man looks pretty good and its interesting that it seems to be less reliant on CGI like the other 3 were, im completely unconvinced with Peter Parker so far so I need something to convince me otherwise.
  11. We actually did that the year I went to the meet. I think Letty made us all up some nametags.
  12. Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire
  13. Looks like Liverpool have agreed a fee for Downing http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/reds-agree-downing-fee
  14. Yeah id just been reading the soicits for the Lantern books. Im looking forward to reading the main book and the New Lanterns one, both seem pretty interesting. Heres the solicits for anyone who hasnt read them: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=33268 Oh and I just read the latest Superman issue. Obviously this entire Grounded arc has been one of the worst ever in Superman but this issue was definitely one of the worst in the arc. It was just so unbelievably cheesy, poorly written and preachy towards what they say Superman stands for.
  15. This link was in the Youtube notes so I assume its them: http://www.profusioncustoms.com
  16. Couldnt really think where else to put this but the bad thread Horrible woman
  17. Im still not sure on the style but I think its at least looking better than it did in that teaser trailer we had.
  18. I actually thought Schism #1 was way too talky, got a bit bored.
  19. Because I felt left out
  20. Ah right cheers. I didnt really read Mighty Avengers and dont read Acadamy so everything I knew just came from other peoples conversations.
  21. Last thing I remember about her was I think something in Mighty Avengers where they travelled to an area between life and death or something and she was seen there. Is that what you guys are talking about?
  22. For the moment id say to read Avengers Disassembled and then House of M. World War Hulk isnt bad but is not necessary. If you do eventually want to read some of the DC events then let me know. If you are invested in the DCU then they do tend to be quite good and usually more at stake than Marvels.
  23. So which of the big events do you have left to read then?
  24. Sounds more like our wish list to me. Ive already read this morning that we got turned down for Baines and we were looking at Bridge now.
  25. It wasnt even made that clear what happened. I think a comic death needs to be very clear, theres too much confusion around death in this industry as there is.
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