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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Load more pages from DC #1 issues: Flash #1 Superman #1 Batman #1 Action Comics #1 Wonder Woman #1 (Even though the link says Detective Comics Looks like the pages are still coming in so i'll keep posting them Green Lantern #1 Hawk and Dove #1
  2. No thoughts...............just like the Big Brother contestants
  3. Not really as I was responding to Paj and Wesley, not you and Charlie
  4. I think my head may explode
  5. If you ever get a chance I would really recommend watching the earlier seasons and try and catch up to where you started. Im similar to you and I watched more from of the later stuff, although I started earlier than you around season 7 or 8 but these earlier seasons have been the best I think.
  6. Dont forget "Deal with it"
  7. Episode 14: The Invisible Man http://www.gametrailers.com/video/episode-14-pop-fiction/718387
  8. Sorry to hear that Nightwolf, it really is horrible losing a pet. More than people realise sometimes.
  9. Something to do with not replying to private messages. I'm not given all the details unfortunately.

  10. You suck.........

  11. Babe. I hate hearing people calling their partners babe.
  12. Thats pretty much what they are doing now. Monday-Friday at 6pm. Theyre on season 6 at the moment, Lucy Knight just died
  13. I only ever watched this show on and off over the years when it was originally airing but Sky have been running the entire series through for a while now so ive been watching it properly. It really was a pretty great show and im not really one for medical shows unless its Scrubs. Anyone else a fan?
  14. Most of the time I will aquire the first issue of a series to make sure I like it before getting the trades. I have a feeling I may have actually read the first New Mutants arc already after reading the description.
  15. Any of you guys read New Mutants? Its one I keep meaning to start reading as they pop up all the time in the X-Men events.
  16. Ordered myself some Avengers trades now they are both out in paperback. Nearly ordered all of Knightfall as well as they had all 3 trades back in stock but I didnt want to waste that much money in the end along with these 2.
  17. Clip of the Avengers trailer and the end of Captain America (not really a spoiler) http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810026349/video/26092350
  18. Weird dream last night. I was stuck in a house which was under soem kind of quarantine. We were split into groups and had to go look for plant bits that the owner of the house had hidden around the place. Apparently they were alive, could move around a bit and were very dangerous. We found a few and gathered them up. Then for some reason Anders and Starbuck from Battlestar were there and some girl I seemed to have history with in the dream. The girl and Starbuck pulled me away for a minute and then I find out theyve strung up Anders and some other girl (cant remember now who this other girl was) by their necks with multiple ropes so they are just swaying there. At this point I try to get to them to cut them down but its turned into a military installation or something and security barriers keep popping up infront of me and guards keep trying to stop me. I managed to get past a few but then I woke up.
  19. Avengers I have enjoyed but because of some iffy inking JrJrs art hasn't been it's best at all. The first 2 arcs have been prett good I think and the Fear Itself tie ins are ok so far. New Avengers first arc was good if you enjoy the more magical stuff. Second arc however was a pretty big letdown with 1950s Avenger stuff mixed in with a dull Hammer raid. Their Fear Itself tie ins have been pretty similar to the normal Avengers ones.
  20. Morrissey: 'McDonald's, KFC worse than Norway massacre' http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a332123/morrissey-mcdonalds-kfc-worse-than-norway-massacre.html
  21. I think I might have to order some trades tomorrow. Its been a while since I got any and im starting to go into withdrawl.
  22. Its just that she looks from even for someone like that at times. Im looking forward to hearing what you think about Cyclops in Schism #2 anyway, I read a review this morning which had the same complaints I did.
  23. Did you notice what I meant in Invincible about Eve looking a bit iffy at times?
  24. Really sorry to hear that Dom, horrible news.
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