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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Paul Daniels responds to Sooty pizza clash: 'I am not in hospital'
  2. Well there was that one time you punched a hole through someone
  3. Threatening makes sense for a character with some serious anger issues at times.
  4. Then I would have put it in the Cap thread :p
  5. She's 10 down on the cast list, played by Amanda Righetti
  6. Looks like Sharon Carter is in the movie, according to IMDB anyway.
  7. Do we know if Sharon Carter is in the movie?
  8. Well of course you can think what you like but he's not wrong and I doubt you'd get many other disagreeing with him on here either.
  9. Send me a copy when its all done, id like to burn it
  10. To be fair even if it was like that it wouldnt matter. Not everyone reads plot summaries either. Im not having a go at anyone here. I just dont think we should assume that just because we know the details of something that everyone else wants to. Yeah Hamish its fair enough if you didnt know, im betting ive posted many a spoiler in my time on here.
  11. The only reason I saw the news is because I chose to, otherwise I wouldnt have known so im sorry but yes it is a spoiler. It shouldnt be up to us to decide what is and isnt a spoiler, especially when the comic wasnt out.
  12. Just read Flashpoint #4. I still just cant bring myself to care about anything happening or any of the characters in this. I mean whats the point as they'll be gone by next issue anyway.
  13. What would we do without you Dan :p
  14. Well luckily as I say, im a spoiler whore so already knew. I just think we should watch out as the book only came outyesterday/today/tomorrow depending on the shop so not everyone would know yet.
  15. Laurence Fishburne cast as Perry White in 'Man of Steel' http://insidemovies.ew.com/2011/08/02/laurence-fishburne-perry-white-man-of-steel-exclusive/
  16. Laurence Fishburne cast as Perry White in 'Man of Steel' http://insidemovies.ew.com/2011/08/02/laurence-fishburne-perry-white-man-of-steel-exclusive/
  17. Im glad I bothered to read the article about the new Spider-Man yesterday, otherwise id be pretty pissed off at all the spoiler talk in this thread today....
  18. I keep flip flopping between what trades to order next. Earlier as you know it was the Clone Saga stuff but now ive been wondering about finishing my New Avengers collection and starting on the Ms Marvel trades. Scratch that, made my decision. I went for: Wanted to get Ms Marvel from the beginning but the first trade wasnt in stock so as ive already read the entire run I just started with some of the ones I remember enjoying first.
  19. I was reading a review and it looks like theyve altered the reading order so its following Ben Reilly from his creation onwards. Apparently it does cause a bit of confusion though as it includes Spider-Man The Lost Years (which I already have in trade) and that follow Ben Reilly after he left New York but apparently knows (at that time) that he is the real Peter Parker but that hasnt been found out yet in the story.
  20. Tempted to start getting the Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga Epic trades. Ive only read some of the Clone Saga but despite everyone moaning about it, its one I would like to own.
  21. Im not actually sure which one winds me up more
  22. Unfortunately its doubtful i'll come back but hopefully i'll see some of you guys online elsewhere and we can get some online games going. I'll also make sure I let you know when I get the new Minecraft server when the 1.8 update arrives.

  23. Yeah i dont blame you for trying to stay out of it. I just wish the others, if theyre gonna jump in at least understand what the whole thing was about.

  24. To be honest I dont remember ever reading anything fanboyish from you. Its more snide comments that get annoying. Take a look at the first page of the Nintendo 3DS thread for examples!


    Anyway, just took another look at the forum. Already pissed off. Being told by bravo to man up and yet again its being talked about that I shouldnt have cared so much about the admin powers! I didnt even lose mine until after! Lets be honest, its not exactly drawing me back.

  25. Yeah I know most of the fanboy stuff was joking around but I think when it came to Nintendo stuff it was all the time and got boring. I think thats why Ginger Nathan doesnt really post there anymore either.


    Its all still annoying me a bit anyway, the way things happened. Thats why I came back and responded to Circ because it was yet another person who thought I was moaning about the actual admin powers. All I ever wanted was for them to understand that some discussion should have gone on first and just let the admins know that some would be demoted.

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