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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Find out if the boyfriend has a sister or single mother and start dating them
  2. The place just gets on my nerves. Lot of fanboyism flying around, barely any conversation going despite peoples best efforts and to be honest GFs childish behavior. I tried to leave the right way and just had it thrown back in my face.

  3. Kicking and screaming?

  4. Hey mate, nice to see you back here!

  5. I really do get wound up too easily. Got my nan staying with us at the moment after she hurt her leg and weve just been talking about the moon landing. She saw one tv show once which said it was fake and now its all she will believe. Her only reason that it was fake was "well they obviously didnt go". I get really wound up with ignorance. She will believe some conspiracy theorist on tv but will ignore all data, scientists and proof that they did. She even refuses to believe they went there 6 times overall because "well I never heard about it". I had to just walk away in the end. Probably shouldnt have ended it though with "Sorry, ive got to leave, I just cant handle stupid people"
  6. I started a tpb blog a few months ago, was planning on reviewing my collection and all the new ones I got. Dont think I even made one post. Ordered this earlier as its out this week. Shame I didnt really enjoy any of the other arcs after the first Big Time one, was hoping it would get ASM back on track for me.
  7. I'll have to get it straight away this time so I can play with the rest of you.
  8. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-08-02-borderlands-2-confirmed-source
  9. I think i'll be looking out for the Earth One version, maybe the animated series one.
  10. They will be yes. Although im betting it'll be retailer specific and then DLC later.
  11. Batman Beyond, Dark Knight, Earth One and Animated series skins for Arkham City
  12. Yeah it would be Peggy Carter, Sharons Aunt I think
  13. Comic Releases for Aug 10th
  14. No it was on a desk screen thing. The second movie its half built and Tony uses it to prop up his laser thingy. Also, nowhere does it say he was rebuilding it properly.
  15. If anyones interested the Yogscast guys will be attempting a world record for the most amount of people on a Minecraft server at 6pm. They havent posted the ip address yet but when they do i'll repost it here. IP Address: two.yogiverse.com:9001 I never made it onto the server, memory just went insane and crapped out.
  16. I actually was talking more about you saying you were in the minority. Who is this stupid majority? :p
  17. I thought it was obvious that he was saying he must have a mean swing? Commenting on the size of his arms.
  18. Space is such a problem isnt it. Ive only got the 2 long boxes but my trades are starting to pile up now that ive run out of space in my bookcase. What I would love to get would be a load of Comic Cubes but unfortunately they dont deliver to the UK: http://www.comiccubes.com/index.html
  19. You're lucky. My village has one bus out at 7:25 and one bus back at 5pm Mon-Sat, nothing Sunday. If I want to go anywhere during the day I have to walk to the next village.
  20. Just a bit annoying looking at the Solicits that DC Universe Presents is the only one that specifies its a multi issue story.
  21. Do we know if the DCnU #1 issues are gonna be mostly stand alone or the start of new arcs? Only one I know is an arc is DC Comics Presents but I was just thinking it would be nice if most are stand alone just for that first issue to introduce us to this new world.
  22. One thing im happy about was that they worked on softening Benton as the show went on. I really havent liked him in these early seasons. Only reason I dont hate the character is that I know he gets better as it goes on.
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