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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Gotta hate fans like that, I hope he gets banned. Wont have helped either with so many Liverpool fans booing Evra today, been pretty disappointed with our fans doing that.
  2. Hmmmmm, I wasnt expecting it to be brilliant because finales rarely are but one thing particular annoyed me:
  3. Game Description and First In-game Screenshot
  4. You seem to think Henderson is brilliant everytime I bring this up though so im not suprised. Im not sure who I would want to replace him, I still find it hard to figure out exactly where in midfield he plays!
  5. So glad to see Liverpool win tonight. Very tense to watch though in that second half! I still think Henderson needs to be dropped though. He just disappears for large portions of games and his spot could be used by someone who will actually bring something to the team.
  6. Theres no way Detective Comics would be dropped. I think I read all of the first arc before I dropped single issues and thought it was ok but compared to Batman it was always going to look worse. What they need to do is just focus on the name. If they made it the book where Batman really showcased his detective skills then I think we could get some really good stories. I hope this Robins book does turn out to be real. I dont read as much Damien as id like to as I didnt carry on with Batman & Robin, Tim Drake is my favourite DC character so more of him is always good and I think it would be an awesome way to get Stephanie back in the books.
  7. Rumour: The Robins – A New Comic From Jeff Lemire? http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/01/24/robins-comic-from-jeff-lemire/ I hope this is true, id love to read a Robins book.
  8. I would assume it would contain a lot of comments from Iron Man on how shitty Batman's voice is
  9. I just like the look hes giving the gun, its like your not even there lol
  10. Anyone else thinking about going to the London Super Comic Convention in Feb? Stan Lee has been confirmed and apparently will be signing things for free. I feel like I should go and get something signed. One of those times where it feels like it could be my only chance. I think this is his first time at a UK con in 30 or 40 years.
  11. Spent the evening with @Goafer watching some of the Giant Bomb guys playing Phantasmagoria. They're only about halfway through so far but that game is both awful and awesome lol
  12. Sorry to hear that mate
  13. As usual, I hate you
  14. I'm gonna miss Chuck
  15. Such a touching moment
  16. I think some of the hate I had for Wesley was just from getting swept along with a lot of other Trekkies hate for him. I dont particularly remember disliking him when I originally watched TNG. When rewatching them now I dont really like him in the first season but they wrote him just a bit too young but once he becomes acting ensign I dont have a problem with him. Its a shame his scenes were cut from Star Trek Nemesis, would have been nice to get the conformation that he did end up finishing Starfleet Academy and was going to be serving on the Titan. Ok well as im bored im gonna rank the Trek movies, feel free to join me :p Wrath of Khan First Contact Undiscovered Country Star Trek Search for Spock The Voyage Home Nemesis Insurrection Generations The Final Frontier Motion Picture
  17. Happy Birthday mate!
  18. It was posted on their Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NetflixUK
  19. Well then yeah you definitely need to watch both TNG and DS9 through from the beginning. With TNG coming out on blu ray its probably ok to wait for that but then after if theres no DS9 blu ray announcement you should just find a way to watch that instead of waiting.
  20. Apparently some new tv shows will be added to Netflix over the next 10 days
  21. Properly? How much of them have you actually seen then?
  22. No, Enterprise is just the only one that happened in with universes. Everything else is still canon. Voyager and Enterprise may not have been up to the quality of TNG and DS9 but I still enjoyed both of them.
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