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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Just ordered for the Extra Life streaming later this year.
  2. Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys! We need more comic talk in here. I think ive asked before but its worth asking again. Now that we are a good amount of time into DCnU are you still enjoying it and what are you liking/disliking from it?
  3. Went to see the movie today with Goafer, I'll write my thoughts before reading everyone elses so they arent coloured at all. I thought it was good but not great. A lot of really nice little moments but as a whole I wasnt all that impressed. For me it was probably the weakest of the 3.
  4. Just completed the game. Really enjoyed it. I'll probably make another post later once ive given myself a bit of time to mull it all over.
  5. Pre-purchased my copy of Fez on Steam. Really looking forward to playing it and getting to the point where everything starts to click. Heard so many stories of people playing it and thinking its just a nice platformer/puzzle game and then just everything changes.
  6. Personally I think the Wii name is a hindrance. Not all gamers liked the Wii (like myself for its motion controls) so will associate it with that. The more casual gamers will be the ones that dont even realise its a new console and just think the pad is an add on. The other problem is that that casual market that the Wii tapped into so well last gen just arent interested anymore, theyve moved their gaming onto tablets and their phones.
  7. Some new rumours http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/04/25/next-xbox-functionality-pricing-reportedly-outed
  8. Im going to be watching it mostly out of interest in the gaming industry. I cant see myself buying whatever Microsoft put out for the next gen.
  9. http://majornelson.com/2013/04/24/xboxreveal/
  10. 10 match ban for Suarez then
  11. PlayStation Store ‘Lost Treasures’ sale starts today
  12. I just want a proper team based superhero game. Something that could really give you a story on an epic scale.
  13. At least the Batman games are good. We just need actual effort put into more superhero games otherwise we just get games like Green Lantern and the Iron Man games.
  14. Just completed the story mode and enjoyed it.
  15. New Spidey on set images
  16. Now that ive finally sorted out my bookcase a bit I decided to order myself some new trades
  17. The spoils of war from my Wii U trade in. Along with those I also got a download code for Journey, £50 on my Steam account then the remaining £8 something on a GAME card.
  18. I actually really liked Natalie Portman in the first movie but I would have been fine if she never came back. I'd probably prefer him with Lady Sif.
  19. Osborn, yeah it is.
  20. Apparently Suarez is being offered anger management counseling by the PFA
  21. All I can think is that he's confused Green Arrow for Green Lantern who is voiced by Adam Baldwin in the game.
  22. I think its much better than the statue the US version came with
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