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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Its just a really great RPG. Because it is set over a year and a lot of it tends to revolve around the normal lives of the characters you get to know them a lot more than you would other games and become invested in their lives. All the parts of the game, combat, story etc are good but for me it was the investment in those characters that kept me going and is probably why its now one of my favourite games of all time. Once I get my Playstation TV later this year I'm planning on playing it through yet again which should be my fourth playthrough I think of a 100+ hour game.
  2. Its possible I guess with the sequel coming soon as you said but anything at the moment would just be pure speculation. You have reminded me though that I need to get back to that game, I only got through the first trial before I got distracted and moved onto another game.
  3. Yeah I was. Although I had read some very positive things people were saying about Oculus lately which I need to try and find again. It just sticks out in my mind because I remember them saying "I guess it wasnt a bad thing Facebook buying them after all"
  4. I see Ground Zeroes and 5 are now also coming to Steam
  5. Yeah in the future just always "buy" the months free stuff regardless of if you own the console or not, that way if you ever can use it, it will be there.
  6. The real off screen gaming solution!
  7. Thats a completely fair question to be asking and I think thats one of the reasons why their third party support is as poor as it is.
  8. That doesnt mean power-wise, it means infrastructure. Like how the PS3 uses the cell processor which would make it more work to port while the 360 was always closer to a PC, like the new consoles are.
  9. Does make sense though with the 360 being the most like the more "PC hardware" that the new consoles went with. I would assume that would make it quicker to port.
  10. So supposedly Minecraft is pretty much ready to come out on PS4 now. Are any of you guys planning on getting it? Im still a big Minecraft player on the PC and love using loads of modpacks to change things up but its been getting harder to find people I know to play with so I'm planning on getting the PS4 version in the hopes that there will be a good group of people to work on a world with.
  11. Yeah I tested my NES, SNES and Mega Drive pads yesterday, they all worked great.
  12. If you dont like it then just bugger off to Nintendo specific site.......oh never mind.
  13. I really hate people sometimes
  14. This announcement that its a timed exclusive makes me think that Sony added that bit about fully clarifying which were exclusives and which werent to their conference at the last minute as they knew there would be a backlash coming at MS' poorly chosen wording.
  15. Its still quite hard to get at the moment, especially outside of the US. I had to just keep an eye out on ebay for mine and pay extra.
  16. Its a new Android based retro system that plays NES, SNES, Mega Drive and GBA games along with their Japanese/US counterparts.
  17. Im just looking forward to seeing more next gen box technology.
  18. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-13-microsoft-confirms-rise-of-the-tomb-raider-xbox-exclusivity-deal-has-a-duration?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph
  19. Guys guys! Stop all the fighting, we were wrong! Its not an Xbox One exclusive: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-13-rise-of-the-tomb-raider-is-coming-to-both-xbox-one-and-xbox-360?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialoomph
  20. Should we rename this thread or move it to the general retro one? Its gone past its original question but im liking that conversation is still going and I need to keep it updated with my Zelda updates!
  21. Yeah I ended up paying about £35 for that. A lot of the buy it now prices for it are between £50 and £60 so im happy enough.
  22. If you have never played it then yes I think you will absolutely enjoy it. LBP to me feels a bit like the NSMB series. Good games but they dont exactly change a lot between releases. LBP of course has the benefit of the constant stuff being built from the community though. I will be buying 3 because I skipped 2.
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