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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Last of my new/old consoles arrived. Also turns out that, even though it wasnt advertised on the auction, this Gamecube game with a Gameboy player! Also bought a copy of Amazing Spider-Man 2. I didnt think all that much of it when I first watched it but as you all know, im a sucker for Superhero movies.
  2. Probably the best gaming news I will get this year. Really looking forward to the Playstation TV coming out in November as well so I can replay Persona 4 Golden on my TV.
  3. I didnt think it was all that good. Capaldi's portrayal isnt exactly growing on me either.
  4. I enjoyed Lost as well. I thought it was bad as games go but I still enjoyed it enough as a piece of Lost media.
  5. Looks like Agger has finally left Liverpool. I always liked him so its a shame to see him go but he was never fit enough to play properly and even when he was, he'd dropped down the list so probably best for him to leave to get to actually play.
  6. First of my new/old consoles has arrived.
  7. So is it only Micro SD now? If so that sucks and is Nintendo basically telling anyone who wants to upgrade that they cant just use the cards from their current 3DS'
  8. No I know, just thought id mention it. I think its the same kind of problems you hear developers talk about with the Kinect last gen (and now this gen I guess). When something isnt standard then there is less insentive to develop for it because you are never going to be reaching the maximum amount of people with it. I think its the same with a new 3DS, unless it sells a shit load then it'll always be more worthwhile for devs to just create for the original.
  9. I think Halo Reach couldnt be played on 360s with smaller hard drives right?
  10. Yeah it does seem weird not getting it out everywhere in time for Smash Bros. Personally im not all that bothered as I was never going to get the 3DS version but I cant really think of any games on the horizon that would even get close to the sales Smash Bros should get that they could hitch it to in 2015.
  11. Nintendo have told Eurogamer that the new 3DS' wont reach Europe until 2015 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-29-nintendo-announces-new-3ds-and-3ds-xl-designs-with-extra-buttons
  12. It does suck that the second stick looks more like the nub you might get on a laptop keyboard but hopefully thats something that will be sorted properly in the next handheld when its designed specifically with two sticks in mind. How many worthwhile exclusive games did the DSi end up having?
  13. I'll probably get the new 3DS XL. I got rid of mine a few months ago when I was low on money so it'll be a good excuse to get another one and get a few of the games I missed.
  14. Better angles for the 3D will be pretty great if it works well.
  15. I wouldn't actually call that healthy. First of all though as you said it could be adults buying for their kids but if you take it just at face value then that shows to me that its only really people who grew up with Nintendo still buying stuff now and they are struggling with the younger generation who will become the ones needed to prop stuff up down the line. Still though, with it just being eshop percentages and digital purchases being harder for young'uns its not a whole picture at all. I would be interested to see the same kind of age range percentages for just Wii U players, see if it ended up being similar.
  16. Despite the extra time off over the summer its actually felt busier for me than term time. Ive spent ages updating the database with the new children and all the various permission forms we send out, learning how to use and then editing the new website and photocopying science revision packs for each student which took bloody forever.
  17. Im just the School Office Assistant but our IT technician is off ill at the moment so I may as well be. We've got our Inset days on Monday and Tuesday.
  18. End of the summer holidays this week. Im going to miss being able to wear what I want to work, having no kids or teachers around and only having to work 3 days a week. Schools should always be on holiday.
  19. Yeah they rescheduled the maintenance that was supposed to be on Monday to today.
  20. Purchased downloadable games should work fine offline but I assume if they cant confirm you have a current PS+ subscription then any of those free games wouldnt work. Are they the ones not working for you?
  21. Looks like the game has been delayed two weeks to November 13th
  22. Yeah most of the buy it now prices were around £45-50. I got mine for £25.
  23. Just won my other auction for the day, probably be my last for a while. Dreamcast with Shenmue 1 and 2.
  24. Because its European release is the 29th
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