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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. WWE have had their earnings call and have confirmed that the WWE Network will be rolling out to more English speaking countries on the 12th of August. That should mean us so I'm looking forward to finally signing up.
  2. Bought Mind Zero in the Playstation Summer Sale this morning as I'd heard it was a Persona clone...didnt realise just how much they had ripped it off though. These are the two cops in the game, for anyone who played Persona 4 I expect they'll look familiar ...Tried to google for a comparison shot but it just came up with a load of fan drawings of Dojima and Adachi getting it on lol
  3. Got this in the Playstation Summer Sale. I dont think its supposed to be brilliant but its a Persona clone so im willing to give it a try as it was cheap.
  4. God I have so many hours on those kind of games on Steam. Perfect for playing while watching something on the other TV. Just checking my Steam library ive got 65 hours on Rogue Legacy and 374 on Spelunky lol
  5. One of the big things with Fez was the massive community effort it created with everyone working together to find the secrets when it first came out on 360. Its still a brilliant game but its a shame that all that information is just out there now for anyone who came with the later platform releases. I got the PC version when it came out so I missed out on it as well. I hear though that its in the new game plus which the game really shines.
  6. Its going to be down to if you think there is enough games you already want for it and enough coming out that would make it worthwhile really. I personally didnt think there was enough that I was willing to pay for it but when my PS3 died and I had all my games for that to trade in thats kind of how I ended up justifying to myself to buy the console for the couple of games I was interested in.
  7. Yep thats exactly how I would like to see the VC go as well. They have such a great back catalogue that you would think it would be a good earner for them. I would certainly pay a subscription fee for access to the games.
  8. I always have a bit of trouble with Rick Rememders stuff. It seems like its probably good at the time but I almost feel like he is a better overall story writer than single issues. I need to go back and get some of the trades for the stuff I struggled with when I was reading it issue by issue.
  9. Yet another trade purchase
  10. Interesting... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-07-30-sony-says-ea-access-program-isnt-good-value
  11. Yeah to be fair I nearly bought a copy myself and I dont particularly like Mario Kart games. I just wanted the free game.
  12. I think it could possibly turn out like PS+ or Games for Gold and they'll have a rotating collection of games that you can play for free. Need more information really but I think I'll give it at least a month myself just to see what its all about.
  13. Well you do. Use your head for once Daft!
  14. Ordered a couple more new trades:
  15. I was in the mood to watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles again after all the Terminator talk on last weeks Giant Bombcast
  16. EA Reveals New Subscription Service on Xbox One http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/ea-reveals-new-subscription-service-on-xbox-one/1100-4972/
  17. I figured that would come up, should have clarified that my week off is a week before the meet....and I hate most of you so wouldnt go anyway :P
  18. I've got a week off work in August and was thinking about heading down to London for a couple of days but have no idea what to do. Anyone got any suggestions on whats good or maybe whats on there next month?
  19. Yeah this was my game of the year when it first came out. Bought it again on PS4 for the upgraded stuff (and I couldnt play my PS3 version anymore). Really looking forward to the sequel.
  20. Hopefully this new update will fix the issue I was having with the last one.
  21. Are you enjoying it so far? I was just thinking about buying it.
  22. Yeah its a great game. Ive already put a shit ton of hours into the PC version though so I dont think I'll be buying it again.
  23. Watch Dogs certainly seems to have legs. I was expecting it to sell well but die down quicker than it has been.
  24. I probably would need an external hard drive if it wasnt for Nintendo not having the proper account services. There are loads of Virtual Console games I would get and would probably have bought my bigger games digitally if I knew they would always be linked to me but at the moment I am still hesitant to buy any of that stuff.
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