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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Do you end up getting anymore photo slots or is it just the 150?
  2. The Masamune weapon you get free with the Day One Edition is finally live now to claim.
  3. I still need to finish Gears 4. The big plan was to finish that then slowly make my way through the earlier games with @Goafer but we've not even started yet.
  4. New Powerline adaptors so I can actually use the internet at the same time as my Vive headset! (The signal from the Vive remotes interferes with the wireless signal from my motherboard)
  5. Hope nobody here ordered their copy from Base.com. They've been sending out emails to some people this morning claiming they didnt order enough copies of the game so wont be able to send out everyone's copy in time for tomorrow.
  6. It's funny that one of my favourite parts of this game so far is Prompto's photography. I always look forward to seeing what shots he's taken and picking which ones to save.
  7. Yeah I just saw that. I do wonder though if it's just the same patch as before but with some additions and because we got it pre-release we just have to get the whole thing again.
  8. What chapter are you guys on? I've just hit Chapter 3 but I feel like I've missed quite a few side missions. I'm probably going to have to try and go back.
  9. Yeah me too but none of them seemed to be treasures. Their descriptions made it sound like they were just for selling so I'm assuming that's what they are.
  10. Do you know if items in the Treasures section of the inventory simply for selling or should I hold onto them?
  11. There are definitely some odd moments in this if you haven't seen the movie beforehand.
  12. How're you doing with the combat? I still find it a bit clumsy when fighting large groups, especially when you need to block but are targeting one enemy but have to try and dodge multiple other ones.
  13. Add another one to the 2016 list Ron Glass (Shepherd Book in Firefly) has passed away. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/11/26/fireflys-book-ron-glass-passes-away-71/
  14. Had to laugh at the opening. They're really leaning into the friends roadtrip thing aren't they.
  15. I like the little booklet you get with the game with all the dev's signatures in it.
  16. Its just luck of the draw. Sometimes Simply Games are quicker, sometimes The Game Collection. I just go with whichever has the game cheaper.
  17. I still havent got around to watching it yet. The Fullmetal Alchemist blu ray arrived and took priority.
  18. I'm still waiting for the patch to download. Should be done at around 8pm.
  19. FFXV just arrived! Now to spend ages downloading the patch
  20. Fifa would be a code
  21. Nothing for me yet but hopefully soon. Lets just hope they are telling the truth about it being dispatched.
  22. Really looking forward to this crossover!
  23. I picked up a ship pack for Star Trek Online in the sale. I might take another look tonight and maybe see what cheap stuff for Vita there is.
  24. About 24 hours in.
  25. They've done it twice to me. Spent all day checking twitter and Neogaf and there was lots of complaining. They claimed they posted Persona Q on the Wednesday and nobody received it until Saturday (possibly even Monday, its been a while).
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