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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I'm loving the music used in the story mode. Its suitably epic.
  2. Couple of purchases:
  3. Obviously I cant speak for Japan but I see enough people out with larger tablets than then Switch so I dont think people would be against it.
  4. All I want is to be able to play the original Animal Crossing on it but with the bloody NES games being free in it I doubt I'll get it
  5. Turns out the article I was reading was from 2014 so yes there is a 1tb SD card now.
  6. I think releasing 2 versions would just undermine what they are trying to do by just having the one console. You may not want portable but it'll still do the same thing if you just leave it in the dock.
  7. Wouldn't that just be the same as never removing it from the dock?
  8. Have Fisher Price put out a statement yet confirming they have been dropped by Nintendo as their hardware manufacturer?
  9. Shame it was such a short trailer but damn if that game doesn't look gorgeous!
  10. I think as long as Nintendo see that games like that still work on the big screen for indies then we should hopefully still get them. I wouldn't want to lose them in this transition.
  11. Im more interested to see whats in those numbered drawers.
  12. There had better be a switchblade peripheral.
  13. Powered by Nvidia https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/10/20/nintendo-switch/
  14. Powered by Nvidia https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/10/20/nintendo-switch/
  15. To be fair EA claims they are on board at every Nintendo console launch lol
  16. Well it certainly looks interesting. Not sure about the shared controllers for multiplayer but thats just something I'd have to wait and see how its implemented. Skyrim was an odd choice to show though. On the one hand its nice for Nintendo fans to be able to play it but it just felt a bit like the Wii U reveal with Batman Arkham City. "Look we've got this game you've all already played!".
  17. I've never been able to get into Super Mario World properly. I absolutely loved 1 and 3 on the NES but then moved onto the Mega Drive instead of the SNES and when I came back years later I found the controls way too floaty.
  18. Speaking of Super Mario Bros 2. Would anyone want a New Super Mario Bros game in that world? I'd kind of like to see what it would be like. In fact thinking about it, thats how I wish the 'New' series had gone. Moving on from one old Mario game to the next.
  19. So new that they are pulling another Super Mario Bros 2 and just putting Mario sprites in another game. Red Mario Redemption 2.
  20. Yeah but what if we got New New Super Mario Bros?
  21. Nope, today
  22. Yeah definitely still more curiosity than excitement for me. It'd be nice if this reveal actually does impress though. I'd love to actually get excited for the new machine.
  23. We'll get the actual reveal sometime during the launch window
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