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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I’m kind of in the mood to finally try this but with Ni No Kuni II coming out next week I just can’t commit to two JRPGs.
  2. New Infinity War trailer coming tomorrow
  3. I still need to decide if I'm getting it on PS4 or PC.
  4. @Cube are these the Eaglemoss ships?
  5. Just spitting in general has always baffled me. Why would you ever want to do that to someone else. Really disappointed in Carragher with all of this. I've always liked him and just going off everything else I've heard about him over the years he has always seemed a really nice guy, lot of charity work etc. Edit: Just reading some comments on the stories and its interesting how many United fans seem to be condemning the fan along with Carra.
  6. Interesting Zelda numbers. I wonder if that's the Wii U split.
  7. I had a try this morning. I like the game but it’s definitely one I’d only be able to play with friends. I tried with random matchmaking and it just wasn’t fun.
  8. To be honest its just an old console that I never found all that comfortable and the right stick nub on my new 3DS is just so stupid that it offends me to look at it for too long
  9. Not really. I would have liked to play this if it was coming out on the Switch but I’m not dragging out my 3DS for it.
  10. Just watched the first episode of season 2. Seems like it could be good but it'll depend how the main mystery unfolds. Some iffy effects though for the powers shown in the episode.
  11. I have been tempted to get a Retrode (or an alternative) to start dumping my carts for archival sake.
  12. I dunno, the majority of those articles are letters from the people working in the industry, not Bleeding Cool themselves.
  13. Bleeding Cool have posted another article about it with some more people voicing their worries. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/03/06/peter-david-jason-david-frank-neal-adams-stan-lee/
  14. I had heard that Stan Lee was ill but didn't know there seems to be a load of weird stuff surrounding it, like who is actually looking after him and why he isn't being treated in a hospital. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/03/05/j-scott-campbell-stan-lee/
  15. @Shorty this might be worth watching to see what kind of print beds are worth upgrading to eventually. I haven’t swapped out the glass that came with my CR-10S yet but it’s something I definitely plan to do.
  16. A lot of my initial excitement has disappeared. When I first got it I really liked being able to swap between handheld and tv and figured that I would start buying a lot of my games for it instead of elsewhere as long as there was no obvious downgrades but unfortunately it just didn't work out that way. I enjoyed Mario and Zelda but apart from that its fallen a bit flat and I haven't really touched it in months.
  17. Still amazes me how well Crash Bandicoot did.
  18. https://www.funstockretro.co.uk/news/game-gear-tv-tuner-sexy-accessory-sunday/ Anyone else have the Game Gear TV Tuner back in the day? I can still remember making myself car sick trying to watch the 90s Spider-Man cartoon on a journey with my family.
  19. Thats exactly it. We get this so rarely that people would be complaining if we started putting more money into preparing.
  20. My school has decided to close today and tomorrow. I don’t work either day anyway
  21. No complaints, just a lot of phone calls asking if we will be allowing them to leave early again. We have roughly 300 pupils and I'd say maybe 35 are off today. I don't know what will happen with those that didn't turn up but I doubt they'll be any issues. All the other schools in the town are open so the issue isn't really that we opened, more that the planning on what to do next should have been already in place and not letting teachers whatever they feel like when its the school office that has to deal with the flood of emails/phone calls and then kids coming in at break to ring home.
  22. Yeah, we're quite central so its not been as bad here as everywhere else. The problem I had with the decision was that I think all but one of the senior leadership team that made the decision either live on-site or within walking distance of the school so while it might be passable here, that doesn't take into account the parents/staff journeys in. I couldn't believe it today when it was announced that we wouldn't be running a minibus service to some music exams because they didn't feel comfortable on the roads but they still expected everyone else to drive on the same roads to get in.
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