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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Decided I don't really like the skirmishes in this. I'm only still doing them because I worry that I'll get further in the game and be underleveled.
  2. My problem with the N64 Mini is that the only 64 games I would really care about would be the various wrestling titles and the rights for those will be a mess so I couldn't see them coming back
  3. Hoping to see the Dreamcast Mini next.
  4. I'm about 4 or 5 hours into the game now. Its funny, in the first one I complained about it being a bit too "twee" but I've actually found myself missing that a bit this time around. Its still a really nice game but it does feel like its missing a bit of that Ghibli charm.
  5. I’ve been hearing some positive buzz about Blackwake on Steam. It’s still in early access but people are saying it’s what everyone expected Sea of Thieves to be. http://store.steampowered.com/app/420290/Blackwake/
  6. I used to love Football Manager but I don't think I've enjoyed one all that much for years. 2007 was probably my peak and then 2012 was when I felt it properly going downhill, both the full and Touch versions.
  7. Now that its unlocked on Steam I've played about an hour so far. Seems pretty good. The first minute or so though were a hell of a surprisingly way to start a game like this! Gotta love those characterdesigns!
  8. Its a really good comic series. I need to catch up myself actually, not sure what issue I read up to.
  9. Yes. As far as I know it’s actually a trailer for that comic storyline.
  10. I go to various Comic Cons over the year and its terrible just how many stalls are set up which sell exclusively Funko Pops.
  11. If you can dig through all the Funko Pops to get to it
  12. Also, his name is Ryo not Ryu. Poor guy just can't catch a break in this thread.
  13. Yeah. I had it preordered for a while (which was one of the reasons I didnt get the Aniki version of it) but I've cancelled it for now. If its anything like the Red Ranger one it will drop in price to around £70.
  14. Just had a message that the Aniki Power Rangers helmet I ordered back in November is ready to be shipped. These are the guys that do the show quality replicas so I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks, especially next to the cheaper plastic one I bought last year (which looks good on its own to be fair). I spent ages at the time debating between the White Ranger MMPR helmet and the Gold Ranger Zeo one. If I ever have any spare money I may have to order the Gold one... Here's the photo they sent of my finished one.
  15. Yes but it won’t have been 19 years of time in-game so the poor lad won’t have learnt how to emote. Have a heart man, he’s still getting over the death of his father! You know, on that day.
  16. He barely had any in the first two games unless he was drinking a coke!
  17. Looks like the English VO recordings will be starting at the end of May for Shenmue 3.
  18. Just realised that I left the Wii out from that photo. Its kept separate from all my other consoles so I forgot about it
  19. Nope, never had a Master System. Its one of the consoles that's still on my list to get. I used to have an N64 and Saturn as well so those need rebuying. Lets see, the consoles in that photo that are mine and weren't bought later were the NES, Playstation 1, Atari 2600 Jr, Xbox and DS Phat.
  20. Decided to get my collection out for some photos
  21. Daniel Bryan has been cleared to return to ring action by the WWE http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/article/daniel-bryan-makes-huge-announcement?sf185073830=1
  22. Gonna have to grab a US freeloader disc next so I can actually play my PAL games on it.
  23. Ok then fine, as none of you were kind enough to take my bait and worry for me I'll post the real photos now that I'm home!
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