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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. ..... Animal Crossing Sequel More Ace Attorney Games
  2. Nice article on Yakuza and Life is Strange world's https://www.eurogamer.net/amp/2018-06-06-revisiting-video-game-worlds
  3. Nah, not interested in the Switch version. Thanks though.
  4. Debating what format to buy this on at the moment. I've got fight sticks for both the PS4 and PC so it'll be one of those.
  5. Doesn't really bother me. Gaming is going more and more digital, the previous Mega Man games didn't get individual physical releases over here so I wasn't expecting 11 to either.
  6. I feel like we say that every year and every year they do enough to impress but it amounts to nothing. At this point it just seems like they need the next generation needs to hurry up and start for them for a blank slate.
  7. Seems unlikely given the numbering. I just want them to announce some more Ace Attorney stuff, including the original trilogy on Android. iOS has it and so does Android in Japan but we never got it here. I’ve been playing Dual Destinies again on my phone lately and want more!
  8. Zero is a really good jumping on point. Yes Kiwami is 1 but they did a good job with Zero making it friendly to newcomers.
  9. Nah, my problem is that nearly everything I buy now is digital so I don't tend to buy much at comic con anymore (maybe not such a bad thing I guess, meant I could buy a new phone afterwards). I'm in the middle of reading the John Byrne Man of Steel collections. I seem to be a lot more tolerant to the older style of writing this time around so I've been enjoying them.
  10. You bought anything new recently @Hero of Time?
  11. Just got my PS4 code for Curse of the Moon. Looking forward to giving it a try.
  12. Just finished reading Bendis' first issue of Man of Steel. It seems pretty good, I'll stick with it for a while.
  13. I was just interested in getting a more powerful device that I could actually do a bit of gaming on while out for a change. The 120hz display (currently the only phone that does it I think) is really nice as well. Apparently the only downside to it is the camera but its already had multiple updates to it since launch and I have yet to have a complaint about it.
  14. New phone Really liking it so far. Will take a while to get used to a larger phone though.
  15. I really enjoyed Shin Godzilla. I'd recommend the Japanese dub over the English one though.
  16. Finished watching the first half of season 5 earlier. Didnt think it was that great and I probably enjoyed season 4 more.
  17. Im gonna say its possibly some kind of building sim.
  18. Lol, everytime I see these now it takes a while to figure out if its actually Walmart Canada or the twitter account that Dan Rykert from Giant Bomb set up as a joke.
  19. Fuckin nerds.....
  20. Urgh, motion controls...
  21. I'm pretty certain you just signed that yourself...
  22. Almost bought a modded GBA at comic con yesterday but it annoyed me enough that the guy had his games laid out with just the tops of the carts showing, packed in so tightly that you could flick through to see what the games were and not even alphabetised so I decided on principle not to buy one
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