Banter hasn't seem to hit the US yet, so I hardly see the big deal with it.
I don't know what Crimbo is, but just saying it and typing it I've decided I'm not fond.
Foreign Car, being in a part of the US where most people are batshit crazy that they need to support the US by being American made cars, I cringe when I hear foreign car because the only cars made in the US now are over seas companies. Off the point, it's a free fucking market, if the US automakers can't provide what we want they don't get the business. More to the point, US companies try to sell overseas as well.....meaning they're the foreign company. Urgh.
"An" when used incorrectly. I won't proclaim myself to have never made a mistake, but some people consistently misuse 'a' and 'an'. One fellow I know never ever uses 'a' he always uses 'an' in every situation. I'd rather see it the opposite where "a" was used constantly. I could at least pretend the "n" key was broken or something then.
I must profess my friends and I do use some of the words and phrases in here (including u jelly) but only with each other and in a semi-ironic fashion. We all know they're bad words that we generally wouldn't use which is part of what makes it funny.