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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. Hadn't (past tense you) eateb in bout 45 hours devided to get velligerently drunk and eat pizza. And be fat. All ghe fst. I have a bunch of cookies and jcd cream too.


    Wsipping jameson zand being too laxt lasy to play destiny 2. Well lazy and milsly deptrssed. Thats pretty nkrmal thoufh. Too bad though im fuvkinh ace ay destiny while inebristed. 

    • Like 1
  2. Finally diving into this over the long weekend. Quite liking it so far. Went through Surt, and now into Valravn. Tense as fuck, the atmosphere is just dripping they've layered it on so thick. It's wonderful, sends shivers down my spine. 

    Anyone else pick this up yet or not?( @Hero of Time) it definitely is deserving of the praise it's received. 

  3. @Ashley sums it up well. The story was fucking fantastic, along with the world they crafted. I am not a fan of Naughty Dogs gunplay at all in any of their games. To me it's the weakest part of the Uncharted series (barely eeking out the bullshit superpowered enemies at the end of Uncharted 2).

    Of course in TLoU I actually found the gunplay sections to be fairly competent. Possibly because it focuses more on resource management and most enemies can be eliminated quite quickly. 

    If it might suit you more @dazzybee to somewhat experience the story I recommend this LP.

    Alternatively to that, https://www.theverge.com/2015/5/1/8523939/the-last-of-us-cinematic-playthrough-tv-style-series someone cut that majority of the gameplay out but has all the dialogue and such all. I've seen the LP but I haven't watched this so I can't vouch for it's exact quality, but I doubt it's bad given the source material. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, The Bard said:
    9 hours ago, Zell said:
    Sorry, we're all console wankers here. I'm jealous of the PC players because of how pretty it is, it's just that we have an established Destiny community on PS4 (at some points we had 2 raid groups going per week). It's too bad there isn't cross save as it would be nice to be able to migrate to PC in the future without having to start from scratch.
    Getting quite hyped for this now. If it takes the same amount of grind to level up a character as it did in Destiny 1, I'll be focussing on levelling my Titan from launch day to get it raid ready.

    Yeah I figured. My thumbs aren't nimble enough to keep up on console tbh otherwise I'd probs pick it up.

    To be fair, currently your hands aren't nimble enough to deal with controller users on PC. From what I've read the aim assist is hella broken on PC for controller users can KB/M users.

    Though I am betting that will be fixed in short order...you know a month or two. How long did it take to "fix" heavy ammo? Imo it's still broken. 


    Anywho, preloaded whatsit has appeared for me (along with an update already to 1.02....yikes) though I seriously doubt I'll invest any real time into the game until the 7th/8th. I get up around 5 waiting until midnight is out of the cards for me on weekdays. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

    @Nolan yup as H-o-T says I platinumed it and celebrated with a lie down. Had it been a physical copy I'd have smashed the disc into pieces I hated it that much in the end. :D

    Underneath the annoyances it's clearly a great game, and one that is crying out for the Ratchet and Clank remaster treatment. 



    I enjoyed it enough I hooked up my PS3 today and  just starting Jak 2. Picked up the collection from the PS Store....$10

    Jumping timing feels much better in Jak2 just so you know. 

    Annnd apparently I need a new PS3 controller. This is flipping it's shit and doing things on it's own. 

  6. On 8/26/2017 at 6:38 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

    Haha. Yeah, you really have to peg it to get that one. That power cell will always stick with me because it took me ages, back in the PS2 days, to figure out how to get it!

    3 tried and I got it. Tight timing though.


    Anyways platinum get. Hell at this right I might hit double digits for platinums sometime this decade. 

    @Aneres11 how goes your Jak experience post Spider Cave?

  7. 5 hours ago, Choze said:

    In case anyone is wondering.


    They removed OSD support quietly through a hotfix. Not sure why? Maybe there is some cheating going on? I still think removing OSD is heavy handed. 

    Pretty sure I remember reading that they were planning on shipping with no OSD support, and an I'm game FPS counter. 

  8. Well, last night on Jak I plowed through to the Volcanic Crater. Tonight I knocked out both the Snowy Mountain and Spider Cave. I didn't really find either to be too difficult. With exception to not knowing I had to use first person to kill the gnawing lurkers, and that turning off the force meant precision platforming to jump over those. I tried and failed multiple times and then accidentally went over one while sliding on ice. Ah well. 91% complete now; likely to be a platinum tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  9. Jumped into Jak today. It's enjoyable but it definitely has some aging issues. Camera control is a sticking point, and similar to Crash horizontal jumping is painfully short, with very tight timing for double jumping and ground pounding. 

    That said I don't think the controls are bad, just aged. I'm a good 36% through after a few hours. Inside the Precursor Lost City now but quit for the night. 

  10. 1 hour ago, martinist said:



    I'm at such a state of inebriation that I decided to come on here and tell you about it...meraculudsly i'm spelling quite wekk dispite such obsticles.

    Spellkng wrll right up until that last bkt. My problem is I hate tbks android keyboard. 4 years on iphones makrs iy aa hard switch.


    Alright @drahkon whrte we gonna meet? Everykne is kn a different cljntry more or less. Plus I have a friend who mighg hate ms me if I go yl to Germanu. She had a bad experience with a exchange student. Kind lf soured her knGermans. Ironic being that her heritags is German. 

    Wow it's like yoj anticipated my questikn. 

    • Like 2
  11. 21 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    @Aneres11This guy, @Hero-of-Time, don#t listen to him. He sucks! Maybe.

    And no, Iäm not druck. Because this is not the dunrken thread.

    It's okay you're allowed to be drunk in all threads. You just aren't allowed to be belligerently drunk outside of the drunken thread. 


    So perusing the store I noticed Sonic Mania. Has anyone checked it out at all? It looks like it's basically a half remix of the original games with some new ideas thrown in. Which sounds like a good thing if the movement physics all feel good and the levels are designed in a fun manner. 

    • Like 1
  12. I somehow completely missed that Jak and Daxter were getting the PS2 PS4 rerelease treatment. I'm actually still lamenting that Sony decided to nix that specific category from the store and just mixing those games in with every else. 

    I've never played the Jak games so I picked this up right away. Maybe one day I'll get the PS3 collection....and maybe one day I'll go back and finish the Ratchet and Clank collection...


    I'm still slowly plinking away at FFXII via my Vita currently. Which means I've neglected Pyre and Hellblade.... :/

    • Like 2
  13. 10 hours ago, V. Amoleo said:

    I'm not sure how well this will go.  Age of Empire is a traditional RTS, Relic aren't really traditional RTS makers anymore.

    Maybe AoE was a traditional RTS, depending on what they do. 

    I have faith though, Relic is talented. I don't see why they couldn't go back to successfully making a traditional RTS.

  14. 2 hours ago, drahkon said:

    I don't remember anything from last night.

    But good to know that I'm able to use the spoiler tag when I'm shitfaced.


    Well...time to rest and prepare for tonight...

    Yes the spoiler tag. Because so many of us would not have guessed you were drunk :p

    I only had a couple bloody Mary's last night myself.

    • Like 1
  15. Laying in bed right now after a 2am text message. One of my best friends sent me a message that her mother called to say her younger sister was in a car accident and apparently not breathing....and that's all the known information. I just love being speechless and 2500ish miles away. 

    Ahh fuck man....


    Update: Breathing and talking. Stopped twice in the ambulance though. I'm going back to sleep.

  16. 4 hours ago, Glen-i said:



    I'm guessing that number 2 is just for show.

    That's very naughty Square. The SNES version exists. Also, since when was the guy called Randi? I'm sure he never had a name in the original.

    If a player character dies they'll switch to an available character if no other character is available (either through already being dead or being currently played) their number just disappears. So number 3 player in that screenshot could literally just be dead. Or player 2 was the Sprite, died and switched to Marle. 


    Also this was one of those games whose story was absolutely butchered when translated to English. So yeah, dude face heroes name is actually Randi. 

  17. Alternate title; Final Fantasy XII: An Exercise in Tedium. 

    I got a Seitengrat. Initially I only found a brute force how to and it was basically "Spend hours zoning!" So I was amazed that anyone would get more than one. Further investigation yielded healing up with Reks and loading the autosave. I can get a chest 100% of the time now. I'm 1 for 3 on the timing of opening it though. Did it perfect the first time and fucked up the other two times.  

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