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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. lJBY7yu.jpgSipping on some $60 a bottle Bourbon made right here in Detroit. It's quite good. (And 100 proof) Also lamenting this Android phonw. It lags sk much posting with the picture beinf displayed. 


    Edit, extra murrican, a box og .22 Bullets in the background on my kitchen table. Forgot tk take them to my dad today. I don't evwn own a .22 rifle

  2. 18 hours ago, Ashley said:

    In fairness, Peach Beach Smash sounds like a tasty drink.  Let's pretend its that.

    Where did you get the Pixel from?  I know its being replaced soon but my Nexus 6P is in need of replacement and I probably won't be able to afford Pixel2.

    Direct from Google. It's their back to school sale. $130 off Pixel and $200 off Pixel XL. And a free daydream VR. 

    • Like 1
  3. A fuck load of beer! Sorry wrong topic...


    Google pixel and free Daydream VR. Pixel was on sale and my iPhone 6s needed replaced sadly. (18months in and it constantly restarts or closes apps immediately). Ironically haven't switched my SIM over yet and it's literally just a media player at this exact moment. 

    Oh, in a week or two I'll be paying off the last 3k of my truck. 6 year loan paid off in 3.5. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Happenstance said:

    Hearing those voices they do a really good job of upping the tension and making everything unnerving. The mechanic with the arm and deaths (don't want to say too much about it) seems really interesting as well.


    6 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    A massive 1/10 from good old Jim. :D

    He would have given it something in the 7-8 range ( which is what most other outlets are dishing out ) but he encounters a game breaking bug near the end of the game which means he will have to start the game from scratch. He's playing the PC build, if that makes any difference to the glitch or not.

    I'm wondering if that mechanic is what he called a glitch or not? All I'll say about the mechanic is that it's some Yoko Taro shit. 

  5. Any of them really, Galaxy MSI Palit ASUS EVGA being probably the best brands. But there's nothing wrong with Gigabyte or Zotac either. 

    Really just look at what you're willing to pay up to and compare the cards between brands. Some will have slightly different clock speeds and they'll have different cooling designs but it's all basically the same. 

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  6. On 8/3/2017 at 4:47 PM, Jimbob said:

    If Microsoft can do it with the Xbox One (even though at one point they themselves said it wasn't possible), i'm sure it's possible for Sony to do it with the PS4.

    Who knows really.

    I'm sure it would be possible, but 360/One are much closer to each other in architecture than PS3/4. It likely is a lot more work to get a PS3 game emulating on the 4. 

  7. 1070 is what I'd call minimum for VR if you're not looking to lower settings too much.  VR is not just frame rate but also refresh rate and frame time. Plus the 10xx series is a year old now and as time goes on the 1060 will likely begin having more struggles.

    I'm always a fan of Hardocp for getting PC knowledge as they are typically extremely thorough and unbiased.

    Basically though steer away from AMD though, unless something changes with Vega they just don't offer nearly as good of a VR experience.

  8. On 8/3/2017 at 11:10 AM, drahkon said:

    Would you and your friends please come to Germany? I need you :D


    Literally NONE of my friends are interested in parties anymore, it seems. Asked 7 if they wanted to join me tomorrow (big party outside of a dorm). No one wants to come...most of them suggested that we stay at someone's place and just watch movies. Would be a good idea if we didn't do this every weekend anyway...


    Looks like I'm going alone tomorrow and Saturday night. ::shrug:

    One of them actually has been there before!

    We aren't much for clubs though. I'm okay with bars though, not that I've ever gone alone. House parties though I always show up and get my drink on.

    I do have my passport, I need to travel more. I've only used it once 3 years ago to go to Canada. 

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