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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. I’ll get the X eventually but it holds no real interest to me. Not sure it’s fair to say this forum hates the console, it’s just a rather disappointing piece of hardware compared to the other offerings. If it’s all someone could get though, they’ll still have a great time with the games regardless. When I played I enjoyed it, but most of my time still went elsewhere. 

  2. I think that “otherworldly haze” that is missing is purely performance saving tricks. Watching that trailer the game looks fantastic. It’s crisp instead of blurry and there is not nauseating amount of motion blur now. 

    And I thought SotC always had full camera control? I’m sure I remember running towards the camera while keeping a colossus in focus. 

    Also, @killthenet I’m not sure why Ueda’s lack of involvement should matter. The game has been made and remastered once already. His involvement shouldn’t be necessary to once again rerelease it. That would be like being worried that the other multitude of HD rereleases weren’t handled by original studios. Okay originally that was worrying but at this point many studios have proven quite adequate at just updating a games graphics and leaving mechanics alone. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, nekunando said:


    I've actually been playing Resident Evil VII on and off over the last few weeks. It's definitely much more preferable to The Evil Within, and it started very encouragingly, but my enthusiasm seemed to take something of a dip as soon as the slimey enemies appeared. There was probably a part of me wishing the plot would somehow focus more on the crazy family rather than viruses and mutants.. but then what is Resident Evil without a virus :grin:

    I'll give better and more complete impressions when I beat it (hopefully this week, if I get a chance) but I fear it will be yet another one of these critically acclaimed AAA games that I won't like as much as I want to, something that happens far to regularly.

    Being a chicken shit I haven’t played since then haha. I’m sure the game still focuses on the crazies (similar to RE4 had plenty of focus on Salazar). And as much of a chicken shit as I am. I kind of want to hold off and play the game in VR. Which I’m sure will scare the shit out of me.

    Most all AAA games hold disappointment, regardless of acclaim. I think it’s just something to expect. Or not expect but be wary of. Horizon is probably the only game since Last of Us to not disappoint me, my measuring stick being I platinumed the game while working 75 hours a week nightshift. Nothing else has grabbed me like that. Usually those types of hours I vegetate at home with TV not games. 

  4. 3 hours ago, nekunando said:


    I haven't even had a chance to check them out yet (I may do later :smile: ) but I'm sure The Last of Us Part II will be on my radar and Shadow of the Colossus will be appealing if they improve the controls :hehe:

    Other than that, we'll have to see..

    Not that I know anything but I really doubt they’ll “improve” the controls unless your complaints are literally about button mapping. (Not played Last Guardian) Team Ico games control in a ‘sluggish’ manner. Everything you do has weight to it I think is the idea. No instantaneous actions and reactions.

    I can’t blame anyone that doesn’t want to get past the controls as they can feel poor. To me though they’ve always felt perfectly appropriate for the games even if they take getting use to. 

    Drawing weird comparisons. Climbing in BotW, it feels so fucking slow unless wasting stamina to leap. The controls are great though, instant action. Climbing in SotC, methodical in a word. Slow as Zelda yes, but have you ever tried climbing like that? Not easy, and the controls feel as though the character is truly summoning reserves of strength to perform the act. That’s just kind of how I view it and why I don’t think they’ll improve for the remaster. 


    Anywho, if you played Evil Within (I can’t say I hated it but it didn’t grip me to play more than an hour) have you checked out Resident Evil 7?(just thinking in the horror genre is all)

  5. 2 hours ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    *kinda wanted another Infamous game*


    To be fair you had like a 30% chance of that. All they’ve done is Sly Cooper and Infamous. (And some one off N64 game that I think isn’t their IP)

    Can’t blame them for branching out again and trying a new IP. 

  6. Hopefully improve their OS to something useable without constant updates and huge downloads. Do you know how annoying it is to turn on for a quick bit of playing and have to update the fucking controller....again?? To be fair though, they are nailing the Backwards Compatibility angle this generation though. Honestly, OGbox discs working is pretty great (plus rereleasing the duke)

  7. 38 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

    Yeah nothing shown for VR to make me want to buy one but at least the ball is still rolling

    After finally getting REVII I actually think I might really enjoy that in VR....or poop myself at it. 

    And come-on people no gifs for those of us on mobile and can’t spend data on streams or YouTube? Am disappoint. I guess I could check the actual threads....

  8. 32 minutes ago, James said:

    Ahhh the siamese cat, a sealpoint no less. My mum used to have one called Tao. Does he ever stop meowing?

    Yes right there, when I’m touching him he stops. And that’s about it. Playing games online people usually hear him and think it’s a baby crying. His name is Ivan (the terrible). 

    My mom has had multiple female Siamese cats and they are far quieter and less needy. Frankly they’re kind of mean especially compared to the clingy males. 

    Funny story about him, I was out of town for about a month so my family was taking care of him. My mom took him to my sisters for Easter (or was it mother’s day....?) dinner...he sat in an empty chair at the table “talking” with everyone while they ate. I might be able to get a picture of that

  9. 31 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

    Haha, Through The Fire And The Flames. That was hoooorrrriible. 

    Was Dark Link regarded as being that difficult, then? Bit surprised to see it so high up on the list. Can't say that I agree with the inclusion of Shadow of Yharnam either and found it to be one of the lesser difficult bosses in the game. Martyr Logarius was haaaaard and that should be there in its place. 

    I never did get Logarius. Fuck him. Shadow of Yharnam isn’t a walk through the park either though. Did they include Ludwig from the DLC? Because that is an absolutely brutal boss with a lot of one hit kills. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Blade said:

    I really enjoyed the ball maze one. Probably just me though. It was good to see motion controls put in on occasion.

    Most of the other motion shrines I’ve come across have been just fine. (A few camera issues here and there) that ball maze was just poor. Mainly the bad camera angle, sluggish controls and then the end of the maze you have to flip the ball out. That was the worst part. 


  11. 2 hours ago, Sméagol said:


    Anyway, I never directly interacted with Neogaf so this is all ::shrug: to me.


    2 hours ago, Ashley said:

    It would be nice (and obviously welcome), but given that "N-Europe" was banned/censored on there I doubt it will happen :heh: 

    I too want to know why! Never even knew knee was too risqué for the gaf. Not that I find it surprising. I’ve been reading elsewhere about people’s experiences with having dissenting opinions being banned. 

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