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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. 4 minutes ago, dazzybee said:

    There is absolutely no chance whatsoever they'll allow games released before to still be free, makes no sense whatsoever. 

    I think you’re correct but I enjoy being contrary. 

    It could theoretically happen along the same lines of PSN is still free for PS3 to play online. And possibly PSVita (really not sure on that). Of course that situation was completely different and Nintendo from the start explained their intentions of moving to a subscription service. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

    HD remasters of Metroid Prime Trilogy, Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, etc., could be massive releases in their own right, with consumers looking to play through previous Prime games ahead of 4; some are already beginning to crave another Zelda experience on the go

    Could they do Skyward Sword without heavily reworking it? I’m one of those that quite enjoyed the game for what it was, but it really relied on the motion controls. 

    It also failed on the motion controls though, so I’d jump all over a version that was actually playable. There came a point in that game where the controls were the largest enemy. Fuck I never did come to grips with playing that damn harp. 

    I really doubt we’ll see what constitutes a portable version of Skyward Sword. Too much work. 

  3. Picked up Earth Defense Force 4.1 last night. Immediately in love with the game. Originally hadn’t realized it was a remaster nor that it was a direct sequel to EDF 2017. I never cared for Insect Armageddon and was kind of burned on trying 2025. Wish I had now, but it’s just as good years later. 

    Takes me back to the early Xbox 360 days and playing it split screen wishing 2017 had online. Now I just need to convince people to get this on PS4. 

  4. 5 hours ago, bob said:

    Any truth that it's a gross flavoured soda, or any truth that Europeans think that it is?

    Because the answer is yes.

    Thanks! He was glad to find out the answer. Us Americans shall continue enjoying our delicious root beer. 

    • Like 1
  5. Not going to post a thread just for this and don’t really have a good place to pose this query. 

    My buddy was talking about Root Beer and made the comment that he’s heard people in the UK (/europe?) think it’s a really gross flavored soda/pop. Any truth to that? He’d like to know.

  6. On 1/25/2018 at 6:36 AM, Nolan said:

    Nintendo Switch theme is now suddenly identical to n-Europe default theme. iOS Safari bowser. 

    The grey theme still seems unaffected. 

    Anything anybody? @Ashley @Shorty

    I don’t care if the answer is “fuck off deal with it” I just want acknowledgment. I’m about to start acting out, I’m gonna go smoke in the bathroom!

    whats the n-Europe equivalent of a bathroom and how do I smoke in it? 

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Adrian DX said:

    Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I'm looking for someone to play Sea of Thieves open beta with. With mic of course since this game kind of depends on it with the multiplayer.

    GT: Adrian DX


    And again sorry to bump and sorry if LFG stuff isn't cool.

    Nah man, LFG stuff typically is fine. (At times that was all the Destiny thread was). 

    I don’t have the beta and various other issues with playing (time zones and out of town this weekend). Also, you may generate a bit more interest (well views rather than interest) in the official Xbox One thread. 


  8. Yeah, while the story isn’t bad at all the games are far more about angry man killing stuff. 

    Hell I don’t think I ever completed the second game, I know I never completed the PSP games and I own Ascension and never put the disc in. 

    1 was fun and 3 is amazing so this outta be good. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    I think it's pretty much going by the name Chi ('shy') but it's kind of a nice homage to his hometown.

    This one was by surrogacy so it's no wonder it caught you by surprise, but how did you not hear something about the second?  It's like not hearing about the Royals getting married and pregnant, except the West Kardashians actually work :p 

    I live under a rock. It’s safe under my rock, fewer dissenting views. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8.2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Alaska early this morning. Tsunami warning issued for the southern Alaskan coast all the way down the coast of Canada. The rest of the US west coast is I think tsunami watch currently. 

    I’ve got a friend and her family out that way in Vancouver but I’m pretty sure they’re not living in the danger zone. Vancouver is mostly shielded by the island and her family lives on the east side of the island too. 

    Still though, radio said they had sirens and stuff going off at like 2 am local time. That would be a scary wake up call. Here’s hoping it’s all a false alarm. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

    Nah, Dark Souls is all about sharing information. You've never seen a message on the floor saying "beware mimicry" or "attack chest" bruh?  




    I certainly have, and I see your point. I just also see mimics as being similar to the whole “the real dark souls starts here” adage. 

    At least they never went through with the mimic bonfire idea though. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

    Give one tap with a weapon to each chest to check if they're a mimic.

    I feel that this is actually very bad advice. Somewhat. It’s a good thing to learn, but you’re removing something ostensible from Dark Souls by warning them beforehand of mimics. There’s something to be said of the first time you greedily open a chest only to be greeted with shock and horror as its toothy maw opens. 

    • Like 1
  13. God fucking dammit. Fuck. 

    I don’t have an old Mass Effect file (different Xbox pre cloud). And for some absolutely retarded reason Mass Effect 2 goes with Wrex being dead. Like fuck. Fuck. 

    He and Garrus are literally the best characters. Who the fuck legit kills Wrex?! This damn near makes me not want to keep playing Mass Effect 2. And I know that I’m ME3 either I need to not import data (which if ME2 is any indication they’ll still kill the best character bioware has had since fucking Minsc 20 years ago) or continue accepting this bullshit false Shepard. Because fuck me I didn’t want to buy Genesis and pay to have my choices carry over from a movie. 


    Like fuck. 2pWXOE5.jpg

    Been on this screen the whole fucking time I’ve typed this. 

    • Sad 1
  14. Whiskey sneezes! Nostalgia. 


    So   Me and a buddy are making a small road trip next weekend. Couple hour drive north to see a highschool buddy we rarely get tk see these days. Bit over a month ago he uhhb he ODd on his depression meds. So. Yeah. Itll be good to see him. 

    Last time i was happily drunk i was texting him and his wife, i dont fully recall what i said. Something about punk polo shitrs. Pink* okay. Reread the chat. Teal shirts (she suggested for me)blah blah blah i  said i  wear all grey she made a 50 shades joke i said don’t be creepy. She claimed i brought her into this and i said what the fuck ever.

    it was the hardest she laughed aince the incident. Her words paraphrased. Her husband said she was reading my texts aloud to him and was laughing so hard she became unintelligleb. Made me feel good to help her feel better. 

    But she continued being creepy with some 50 shades of grey gifs. Including one that said “i fuck hard”. 


    whiskey. WHISKEY!*



    a story. 

    I get up from my chair. My cat yells at me (yells is accurate foe his tone of meow. ) i ignore him and walk towards the kitchen he runs ahead of me and upstairs to the bedroom. I go and gran a slice kf pizza. I hear him melw sadly butb loudly from the stairs that I didnt follow. I stell him “NO”. I go back to my vhair and hear him meow again much sadder and quieter. 


    Now hes back down stairs lating on my legs. 

    • Haha 2
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