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Posts posted by Nolan

  1. @Nolan, may I ask, what's the general feeling and thoughts towards/around Trump over where you are?


    Sadly, there are many supporters of him. Blue collar workers the exact people he's built a fortune on the backs of and will continue to step on think he is the greatest. Some of my union coworkers voted for him knowing full well he's likely to break the union and in their words they're thinking about having a job now not the future. Many were also terrified for their guns.


    I'm actually ashamed to admit my own mother is own if his supporters. Not one of the outward ones, but if she gets on the subject it's very me/us anti-social programs. Ironic given at one point she legitimately was on food stamps.


    There are a decent number of other people that are through his shit and realize just how toxic he and is policies are though. The problem is, he's in. Republicans have majority controls. It's kinda hard to do anything against him as of now.


    His cabinet choices are rather atrocious as well many of them being rather backwards thinking people. I tend not to follow most of this shit, but I do recall him removing the secretary of defense and replacing him with someone with no experience or reason to be in that position.



    The scarier part is Mike Pence, his VP. This guy is so hard right Christian that he believes homosexuality is a curable disease essentially. Now to be fair its based on a statement from his 2000 campaign and of course he denies supporting Conversion Therapy now but no one has seen anything in the way of good faith from him that he has changed his stances.



    On the other choices, basically no one liked Hilary. At all. Bernie was fighting an uphill battle and was the opposite of Trump. All about the social programs, so people like my mom who think "Well I worked hard for my money, why should it go to anyone else?!" Weren't going to cast in with him. People in the US are also fucking idiots. Socialism is still a tainted word that quickly gets smeared in people's minds as being communist or nazi. And they don't know the difference between socialism and communism. I'm going to paraphrase a little because I don't recall verbatim; a coworkers statement on socialism:

    "Throughout all of history if you look at anytime socialism was attempted the first things they did was control the media and then the weapons and took the power from the people and made them reliant on the government. And the government always fails. It's proven to fail."

    I didn't bother arguing with him. He's a self proclaimed redneck and thinks he can't be wrong.



    I was told to add that Canada does not agree with Trump.

  2. Tracer feels like a less useful Scout. Soldier 76 however is fun.


    I should probably put more time into it though. It just feels so over engineered with the overly large roster of to me largely forgettable and overlapping characters. TF2 had a somewhat large roster, and variety was achieved with changing loadouts (as released).

  3. Found and defeated my first


    Deathbringer last night. Was a bit disappointed. During one of the story missions, they said that they'd unearthed this enormous machine with terrifying weaponry, and after seeing Thunderjaws for the first time, I was expecting something bigger and more impressive than that.


    It turned out to be some hunk of junk that looked like an Ikea table with guns attached. They could have gone with something much cooler.


    You go fire up a VW bug that's been buried for a few decades and all you did was change the spark plugs.


  4. I disagree, I had more fun with XII than X. Xs story, world etc. not for me. I've gotten into it before but don't feel like doing it again. The battle system is plenty fun and engaging though. I just had more fun with XII I think.


    Honestly they all have their merits and shortcomings. Even XIII trilogy can be fun in their own way.

  5. I loved Infinite, the setting, plot and acting/NPC interaction were top notch. I loved it so much I bought an expensive limited edition poster to remind me of it.


    But objectively, the original did something special with the atmosphere and story that Infinite did not completely recapture.


    Objectively the original reimagined System Shock 2 from Space Sci-fi to underwater sci-fi. Right down to some of the plot twists.

  6. Well fuck.


    Ordered this off Amazon, it arrived and now I see that I've been sent the EU version instead of NA. The biggest thing that makes me hesitant to just playing anyways is if there is DLC I want I would need to get a European PSN to purchase it then. If I understand things correctly.

  7. I'm on HDMI 1 and when the TV and PS4(pro) switch to HDR mode most of the settings become locked. Like brightness becomes locked at max, and so do some color options I believe. Black levels can still be fiddled with though.

  8. Last night while watching Netflix I went to turn on my controller to pause the show for a minute...long story short neither of my PS4 controllers will connect to the console even while plugged in and charging.


    No time to troubleshoot today though so maybe tomorrow :/

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